Chapter 24: Return to Ouran

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She could not believe it. He had really pulled it off. Kyoya had managed, in the course of a couple of days, to utterly sweep her parents off their feet and convince them that he was the best candidate for her fiance. After the second day of him showing up at the house to show his persistence, her parents had decided to stop throwing suitors at her. Ultimately it was her decision who to choose, but her parents had seen that Kyoya was "changing" her and had decided to try and give her a friendly push in his direction.

Now that they had managed to convince her parents that they were to be together, they were officially engaged. This meant that her parents had turned Camille over to Kyoya and they were currently traveling back to Japan as planned. When it came closer to time for the wedding, her parents would be traveling to Japan to stay for the week of the wedding that was to be taking place the week after graduation. When was graduation? In three months from now and Camille had a lot of school work to catch up on if she was going to be able to finish.

Another twist in this turn of events? Her parents had decided that it would be best if she went to stay with Kyoya at his house to become better acquainted with his family. At first it had surprised her that her parents would be bold enough to declare something like that, but Kyoya had been quick to agree. Now her stomach was tied in knots at the idea of having to see him every single day, travel to school with him every day, and also be seen at school with him in this way. Everyone would know in a matter of hours as soon as she exited the car that would take them to school. It was not traditional in any form and she knew there would be some sort of backlash for it.

Her hands fisted her white skirt as she looked out the window of the plane, her eyes not really seeing the sky or the clouds that flew by. She was nervous to be starting a new chapter of her life and to return to an old one she had left months ago. Things were changing quickly and her anxiety was through the roof. The only thing that made it better was when a hand connected with one of her own, making her stomach erupt into butterflies instead of that annoying feeling of nausea.

Red-brown eyes blinked as she came back to her senses and turned to look up at him. Kyoya was sitting next to her on his laptop most of the flight, but he had taken this time to try and comfort her in some form. He smiled at her slightly and ran his thumb over the back of her hand after he entwined their fingers. The feeling was slightly foreign to them both, but seemed natural at the same time. It felt right to not have any barriers between them and now they were able to show affection in small doses to one another. Camille was sure that things would have been more different if she had not been embarrassed to do the things she wished she could, but he seemed to respect her and not push her.

"You know, everything is going to be alright. Don't worry so much. We only have to figure out how to avoid everything now. That's our only drawback." He said quietly before looking back to his laptop while keeping his fingers entwined with her's.

His words confused her greatly. He still had intentions of calling off the wedding, but the way he was acting showed that he was more than willing to go through with it if it came down to it. She was more than willing to just let things play out, but if he was not ready for something like this or just acting this way to make things seem more real to people who may look on them and try to see the whole thing as a sham, she was going to be more than a little upset. She was giving her all to this situation and throwing her feelings into it in hopes that she was not going to get hurt. If he planned to hurt her, she needed to be ready but could not bring it in her heart to even throw up a small wall between them.

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