Chapter 13: Urgent News

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The kiss was not unpleasant, but it was also not pleasurable at the same time. Camille supposed that it was because she was surprised by how they had gotten to this point. The next thought she had was that Tamaki's kiss had surprised her as well. They caused her to freeze up in shock with her eyes wide as her heart thundered in her chest like it could explode at any moment. Her mind filled with static as she tried to form some sort of reaction.

As quick as it happened, the kiss was over and her mind was working again. "What the hell, Kyoya?! Why did you do that!?" She pushed him back without looking at him, making her way to the club room.

Once inside, Camille made her way to a seat near the wall that was lined with windows. She pulled out her notebook and made it look like she was busy studying in hopes that no one would bother her. Instead she was sitting there staring at her notes blankly as she tried to process what was going on with the guys in her class.


Camille turned on the sink in the bathroom to Honey's parents' house. She had been invited by Honey and Mori to have dinner again and she had taken up the offer in an attempt to forget what was going on with Tamaki and Kyoya. Now she was in the bathroom washing her hands and checking her phone that had been off the whole time out of respect for the families and their dinner.

For the first time since she had moved to Japan her phone looked like a disaster area. She had ten text messages, four emails, ten missed calls, and five voicemails. She scrolled through the voicemails and turned it on speaker as she washed her hands. The voice of her mother filled the bathroom over the sound of the water running. "Camille, it's your mother. You really need to answer your emails...and messages, and everything else. I'm not sure why you are ignoring your mother, but this is important. You need to pack tonight because you have a flight home tomorrow morning. I will explain to you when you get here what this trip is about." The beep of the voicemail ending made her sigh before the next messages started to play through. All of them got progressively more annoyed as the night had went on until she got a call from her father saying she was to call him immediately when she heard their messages.

The emails were from her mother and father both along with all of the text messages except for one. That text message was from Tamaki and made her roll her eyes. We need to talk ASAP. It's important. "Apparently everyone has something important to talk to me about." She mused before she exited the bathroom to walk through the older boy's house. The sounds of the talking families gradually got louder and louder as she neared the dining room. She stepped in and bowed slightly to them before fidgeting with the hem of her blouse,"I'm sorry, but I need to go home now. I got a call from my family and it is urgent. I hope you don't mind me leaving so quickly."

Her red-brown eyes lifted to see the table of people looking at her with mixed emotions, or lack of emotion, and she felt as though she had said something wrong. That was until Honey's mother smiled that motherly smile that made her wish that her mother would do the same sometimes instead of being frozen in a state of prudishness. "It's fine, dear. I know you wouldn't want to leave unless it was urgent. Go! You can come back next week, I hope?" Camille nodded and smiled slightly before turning to walk toward the door. She grabbed her jacket and exited the house to start walking home.

For some reason Camille felt better walking everywhere compared to taking a car. The walk in the cool air was refreshing, but the smell of rain was thick in the air as well. She hoped that she would get home before it started to pour down on her.

Gripping her jacket closer around her neck, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialed her mother's number. She was hoping that she would get her voicemail, but three rings in was when she heard the clipped tone of her mother answering. "Finally you call back. What were you doing?! You're not partying are you?"

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