Baby Callie says first word

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<One shot of Callie being fostered as a baby by Stef and Lena and she says her first word. This was requested.>

It had been three months since Stef and Lena were fostering baby Callie. They got her when she was about 8 months and have been with her ever since.
Stef and Lena layed in their bed cuddling each other.
"It's so early" Stef whispered giving Lena a peck on the lips.
"Yup, I wanna stay in this cozy bed forever" Lena laughed.
"Me too" Stef agreed as she nuzzled her face into her neck.
They heard a light coo and a cry coming from the crib that was sitting in the corner of their room.
"That didn't last long" Stef laughed and Lena turned over to see Callie.
"Awe someone's awake" she said getting out of bed and picking up the 11 month old.
"Hi baby" Stef said in a baby voice as Lena brought Callie over to the bed to lay down with them.
"I can't believe next month she gets to be ours forever.." Lena said stroking her soft brown hair.
Callie babbled while they admired her.
The adoption date was going to be almost exactly a month from now.
"She's probably hungry huh?" Stef said pinching her cheek lightly and playfully.
"I think she is" Lena agreed getting up to prepare a bottle.
"Ohhh yes, can you say, yes mama? Yes mama? Mama?" Stef said in a baby voice as Callie continued babbling and blowing mouth bubbles.
"I don't think she's gonna say that right now, she's too little" Lena said giggling as she mixed up the bottle and walked back over to the bed.
"No she's not huh? Tell mama, I'm almost one years old" Stef said in a baby voice.
"That is true, she is a big girl" Lena said giving the bottle an extra shake.
"Oop I think we should change her diaper before we do a bottle" Stef said smiling at her while Callie kicked her legs.
"Good idea" Lena said giggling.
"It is.. mama.. mama" Stef said while changing her diaper while Callie stared at her and chewed a soft baby toy.
Lena looked over at her with an eyebrow raised,
"I like how you're teaching her 'mama' first instead of 'mom'" Lena winked and Stef opened her mouth wide.
"Uhhh ok then.. can you say mom? Mom?" Stef repeated to Callie and they both laughed.
"Come here baby!" Lena lifted Callie up, today was her turn to feed her. They transitioned days of the week so they both could get equal time with her.
"All better huh? And ready for the bottle?" Lena said laying Callie back in her arms and putting the bottle near her mouth which she eagerly took.
"Someone's hungry.. it was a long night huh mama?" Stef said touching Callie's cute warm footie pajamas.
"How did we get so lucky to get such a perfect baby?" Lena said watching her finish the bottle.
"All done?" Stef said taking the empty bottle away. Callie smiled big and clapped her hands together with Lena's help.
"Yayyy all done!" Lena said making Callie giggle.
"Good girl! So big! Yes mamas!" Stef said encouraging her more to say the word.
"You're gonna drive me crazy with that" Lena said getting out of bed and picking out clothes for Callie to wear.
She came back in with a pair of joggers and onesie for underneath.
"Mama.. mama..." Stef said while Lena changed her into her clothes for the day.
"All good! We get to do a bath tonight isn't that fun!" Lena said to Callie while she carried her on her hip.
"Oh how cute! I love that you put a tiny clip in her hair. She's so precious" Stef said admiring the two.
"You know what? I need a picture" Stef got out her phone and took a photo of the two.
"I love it" Lena said looking at the photos Stef just took.
"Now, time for mamas to go eat" Stef said giggling while they all headed downstairs to eat breakfast.
Lena sat Callie down in her high chair and Stef made pancakes and eggs for them.
"Yum this all looks delicious,  thanks honey!" Lena said. They watched as Callie ate her own pieces of pancake with some syrup.
"Look at all that sugar, we need to give you some vegetables kid" Stef said and Lena laughed,
"That's true, she doesn't know anything about vegetables.. that's our daughter for sure" she said watching Stef grab a baby food pea puree from the fridge.
"Here, this is your side today" Stef said grabbing a spoonful and bringing it up to her mouth.
Callie immediately turned her head and scrunched her face together.
"You don't even want to give it a try?" Stef said pouting.
She scooped out another spoonful and brought it up to her lips. Callie started to whine and want to cry.
"Oh she's not happy with peas.. those are mamas favorite vegetable baby" Lena said looking at her and wiping off her chin which had some green puree on it.
Stef tried one more time to feed it to her,
"Mm..mmama" Callie said before bursting into tears and sobbing.
Stef and Lena looked at each other as tears formed in both of their eyes. Stef held her hands over her mouth in disbelief,
"WHAT did you just say!" She said and Lena ran around the table a few times cheering before hugging Stef.
"Such a big girl!" Lena said proudly.
"Oh come here" Stef laughed as they almost forgot in the midst of their celebration that she was still sobbing.
She carried her and she instantly stopped crying.
"We're so proud of you my love.. and no more peas" Stef said handing Callie to Lena.
She wrapped her in a big hug,
"Soo soo proud" Lena said giving her kisses. Soon they were both showering her with kisses and love.
They all giggled at the fact and Stef and Lena looked at each other then shared a warm kiss.

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