Emma Olmstead - part 1

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<This is a two part oneshot about Callie having a 3 year old daughter with Liam>

Lena and Stef had been fostering Callie Jacob for a few days now. She was only 16 and had a 3 year old daughter named Emma. They agreed to take in both her and her daughter. At first Callie was cold and standoffish, she didn't want anything to do with their family but now she was starting to feel more comfortable and Stef and Lena could tell.
It was night time and Stef and Lena were in their room getting ready for bed,
"So how much longer do you think they'll be in the house with us?" Stef said folding laundry.
"I don't know. She seems to be opening up more now though"
"Pshh by opening up do you mean finally saying goodmorning and goodnight to us" Stef laughed.
"Yes, that's what I mean. Give her some sympathy the girl has a three year old daughter" Lena said glancing over at Stef.
"I know, and about that, how old does that make her when she had Emma? 13, Lena she was 13 when she got pregnant. Maybe even 12 who knows" Stef said shaking her head.
"Stef, you know teenagers have sex and accidents happen. That doesn't make her a horrible person and definitely does not mean we should send them away sooner. Let's say at least 6 months yeah?" Lena said.
"6 months? Are you sure come on.."
"They're not even a big handful"
"Yeah like every time Emma doesn't get her way she throws a screaming tantrum."
"We are working on that you know and she is a really sweet girl actually.. Callie is so young and she needs help, help that we could give her" Lena said holding her hand.
"Yeah well, when kids make grown up decisions they have to live with them. What's a 13 year old having sex for anyway?" Stef said.
"You know she was in and out of juvie and in foster care since she was 10 give her some sympathy" Lena said raising an eyebrow.
"I know, you're right and I'm sorry it's just Callie can be rude and unwelcoming" Stef said laying down next to Lena.
"She is reckless and irresponsible but under our roof she's been great actually, you know, besides her attitude." Lena said kissing Stef's forehead.
"You're right, well, Goodnight honey"
Callie was in her room laying on her bed with Emma.
"I'm going to sleep. Just don't be too loud" Mariana said to her as she watched Emma play a game on her phone.
"We won't, Goodnight" she said.
"Goodnight Mari!" Emma said going up to her and giving her a hug.
"Awe, how sweet. Thanks Emma" she said smiling. Mariana did love having a toddler around the house, she loved little kids.
Emma layed back down with Callie and they went to bed shortly after. Callie was grateful for the extra bed in Mariana's room, she hated when foster homes made her and Emma sleep on the couch.
The next morning Stef walked downstairs to see Callie combing Emma's wet hair. She must have just gotten out of the shower, it was a cute sight to witness.
"Hi Cal and hi Emma" Stef said smiling.
"Hi" Emma said quietly while Callie continued to do her hair not saying a word.
"Look, Callie, Lena and I were talking last night and we sorta realized we don't really know the entire situation so is it ok if you skipped school today so we could talk?" Stef said and Callie looked at her hesitantly.
"Sure" she said as she started to put Emma's hair into two ponytails.
"Oh that's cute" Stef said watching.
"Thanks" Callie smiled.
"Ok baby, which one the flower or the bow?" Callie said to Emma.
"Ummm the flower!" Emma said pointing at the pretty red daisy hair clip.
"Alright and what do you say to Stef for letting us use it?" Callie said and Emma looked up at her,
"Thank you Stef I love it" she said smiling big.
"Awe, you're welcome sweetheart" Stef said.
She watched from the kitchen as Callie got Emma ready for daycare, she was an amazing mom even though she was so young. And Emma was an extremely smart girl for being only three and a half. She couldn't help but wonder if it was because she was born into the foster care system.
"Ready?" Lena said to Emma a little while later.
"Yes ma'am " she said running up to Lena and holding her hand.
"Alright, say Goodbye to mommy before you leave" Lena said and Emma turned around and ran up to Callie hugging her tight.
"Bye baby I'll see you later, be good ok?" Emma nodded and they headed out.


"So, thank you for agreeing to speak with us." Stef said sitting next to Lena across from Callie.
"Yup" she said awkwardly avoiding eye contact.
"So, I don't want this to sound disrespectful or anything but you know we just have a few questions regarding Emma and that whole situation" Lena said and Callie visibly tensed up.
"Like what?" She said still avoiding eye contact.
"Well, I mean, all we know is you had a kid at 13 and her father is now in jail.. that's all, we would just like to know the details." Stef said smiling and her tone gentle. She didn't want to upset her. Callie laughed,
"Details? What like you don't know how a baby is made?" She looked down and scratched her arms awkwardly.
"No, not those kind of details but more like, who is her father and why is he in jail?" Stef said.
"I didn't really know him to be honest.. he's in jail for identity theft" she said shrugging her shoulders.
"And you both were dating when you were 13 or 12?" Lena said.
"I knew him for about a year I guess I don't know. I got pregnant when I was 12" she said quietly.
"Ok.. we don't mean to put you on the spot or anything. We plan to be here for you guys for a long time and that's why I need to know.. So you started having sex when you were 12?" Stef said.
They noticed Callie looked uncomfortable, embarrassed, and a little ashamed even.
"You know what, let's take a break ok? How about later or another day we can finish this conversation?" Lena said and Stef nodded.
Callie didn't say anything instead she got up and went upstairs.
"Did we ask too much" Lena said concerned.
"No, we absolutely did not.. she's just overwhelmed" Stef said
"Stef, you asked her why she was having sex. She has barely been in the house for a few weeks, let's not scare her off"
"Well, you know I'm blunt and I'd rather not beat around the bush. I'm here to protect" she said referencing the fact that she was a cop.
"Ok. Let's just give her space, do you see how good she is with Emma? You could tell she loves her so much and is such an amazing mom" Lena said smiling.
"She is a great mom. Of course when you're born into the system there's bound to be some personality issues"
"Which we're working on" Lena interrupted.
"Yeah, you're right. Okay I'm gonna go relax and enjoy my day off, and you should too" Stef said getting up.
Callie was in her room for the rest of the day until it was time to pick up Emma.
"You ready to go?" Lena said as she saw Callie standing in their doorway,
"Yeah I am. Sorry I didn't want to interrupt" she said.
"No of course it's okay, let's go hun" Lena said as they both went to pick up Emma from daycare.
"Mommy!" Emma yelled as soon as she saw Callie,
"Look what I made!" She said handing her a watercolor painting she did at school.
"Wow, baby that's beautiful" she said smiling then picked her up.
They arrived home and Emma immediately ran up to Stef and gave her a hug as well.
"Awe, thanks honey" Stef said. As much as she hated to admit it, she loved having a little one around the house. It made her miss the old days before her kids were angry and moody teenagers.
Emma threw her backpack on the floor and started to run upstairs,
"Woah, why don't you pick up your bag first. It doesn't belong on the floor in the kitchen silly" Lena said playfully.
Callie grabbed her arm before she could run upstairs.
"No! I don't want to! I wanna go get my pajamas on!" Emma yelled as Callie continued to hold her arm not giving in.
"Emma, look, it's very easy, you just need to come grab this and then you can go!" Lena said.
"Honey.." Stef said to Lena watching as Emma continued to act stubborn and say no. She didn't want them to make their life harder by trying to discipline a 3 year old that was going to eventually leave their house soon.
"You need to listen or no phone games!" Callie said which made Emma upset.
"Noooo!" She yelled as she gave up and layed on the floor.
"Emma!" Callie yelled back at her clearly frustrated.
Emma started to kick her legs and scream now. Callie just shook her head as she watched.
"I'm sorry" she said to Stef and Lena who were watching.
"No, it's okay. Emma stand up" Stef said grabbing her and lifting her up firmly. Lena handed Stef the backpack and she forced it on to her back while she continued to scream.
"There ya go" Stef said nudging Emma towards Callie.
"Thanks" Callie said as she headed upstairs with a crying and screaming little girl.
"Wow" Lena said rubbing her forehead and sitting down.
"Well, can you blame her? Callie has been in foster care for years and had a baby while in the system. Where there is no structure what so ever. It's not her fault" Lena said. Stef shrugged her shoulders and headed upstairs. She knew if she said anything it wasn't going to be nice, so she said nothing at all.

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