Isabella visits

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<Drabble of Isabella and family coming to visit Mariana and Callie at the coterie. This will take place around season 1 of Good Trouble when Callie was still living there. We know that Ana was pregnant from the fosters again.>

"Oh my gosh I'm so excited for Ana, Mike, Isabella, and Lucia to come and visit!" Mariana said to Callie who was sitting down on her bed finishing up her research notes for work. She has been busy with extra assignments lately after not being able to finish it while at work.
"I know, me too. We haven't seen them in so long. I think it's been like a few years, since Lucia was born" Callie said.
Isabella was now 7 years old and together Mike and Ana had a daughter named Lucia who was now 2.
"I can't wait, they will be here any minute!" Mariana said wrapping up her gifts for them. Callie smiled at her. Something she shared with Mariana was they both had biological younger sisters, they really were one in the same.
"Come on, we should go wait by the elevator" Callie said and Mariana agreed. They waited by the doors for about 10 minutes when they saw the elevator rise to their level.
They both eagerly waited as the doors opened,
"Hi! Look at you two" Mike said stepping out and hugging them.
"Hi girls" Ana said also giving them a hug.
"Mari!" Isabella yelled as she leaped into Mariana's arms,
"Oh my gosh, hi Bella I missed you so much you're so big!" She said carrying her and spinning her around.
"I love you" Isabella said as Mariana kissed her cheek. She put her down and she immediately ran up to Callie giving her a hug as well.
"Awe thank you, you're so sweet" Callie said.
She looked over to see Mariana now carrying Lucia.
"Oh my goodness, hi cutie" Callie said and Mike and Ana smiled looking at the interaction.
"Oh my god you guys, she's so little and even cuter in person" Mariana said pinching Lucia's cheek,
"Thank you" Ana said laughing.
"She's a little actress too just like you Mariana" Mike said.
"Yeah, she sings ALL the time and plays pretend all day" Isabella added holding on to Callie's hand.
"Awe how sweet! I heard all about her performances. We should go in" Mariana said laughing as they walked through the doors and into the kitchen area.
"Oooh" Isabella let go of Callie's hand and ran up the the big bay windows in the living room area.
"It's such a beautiful view" she said standing on the couch for a better view.
"Be careful honey, no standing on the chairs" Ana said and Isabella got down.
Mariana sat Lucia down on the counter top.
"Hey, we should make ice cream sundaes, what do you guys think?" Mariana said grabbing out the ingredients.
"Yaayyyyy!" They both said in unison.
"So, you guys bought a house?" Callie said to Mike.
"Yeah, we actually did last month so we're in the process of moving now"
"Oh wow. How is that going?" Mariana said scooping the ice cream out.
"Besides the tedious moving process and trying to move all that heavy furniture, it's going great actually" Ana said and Mariana smiled,
"That's awesome" It was sort of unbelievable to see Ana go from a drug addict who neglected her children to such a great mom and wife. It made Mariana happy and emotional.
"You okay?" Ana said noticing Mariana tear up.
"Yeah, I think I just got something in my eye" she said quickly wiping them away and continuing to make the sundaes.
"Here, I can help" Callie helped cut up the fruit and served both bowls with her.
"Wooooahh" Lucia said as Callie placed her bowl in front of her.
"That looks so delicious!" Isabella said seeing hers as Mariana placed it in front of her.
"What do you say?" Mike said looking at his girls,
"Thank you!" They both said.
"Who wants caramel and chocolate sauce?" Mariana said.
"Ooh and whipped cream?" Callie added.
"Me! Yes!" Lucia said pushing her bowl towards them.
"Everything?" Callie asked pointing to all of the toppings and she nodded her head as they all laughed.
"And what about you Isabella? What one would you like?"
"Caramel and whipped cream please" she said moving her bowl.
"Good choice" Mariana said.
They all sat and talked while the girls enjoyed their ice cream sundaes.
"I have presents" Mariana said as she grabbed the two glittery pink bags from her loft.
"Thank you" Lucia said
"Yes, thank you Mari" Isabella said giving her a hug.
"Open them" she said and they both didn't hesitate to start tearing through the wrapping.
"Woow" Isabella said as she pulled out a purple and pink butterfly necklace that said "sisters forever". Lucia opened hers to a soft bear holding a microphone that said her name on the sewing.
"I love her!" Lucia said hugging the bear.
"I want to put my necklace on" Isabella said and Ana helped her clasp it on.
"Perfect, thank you Mariana this really is so nice of you. They love the gifts so much" Ana said watching them play with their new items.
"You're welcome. Come back again soon, I missed you all so much" Mariana said giving Ana a hug.

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