The Fosters opposite: PART 3

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Stef and Lena arrived at the hospital enraged.
"Where is she?" Stef yelled in hysterics as Lena ran behind her.
"We have her in the room she's getting ready for surgery right now. It's important that you guys stay here for now and stay calm, she is getting the care she needs." The nurse said trying to calm them down.
"We need to see her please" Lena said desperate with tears in her eyes.
"We will let you both as soon as she is stable"
"She's not stable?!" Stef yelled with her eyes wide open.
"Ma'am please, it's ok. You can wait in the waiting room"
They both went over to see Brandon who was sitting talking to police in the waiting room.
"What the hell were you two doing?" Stef said walking up to Brandon.
"We.. Callie wanted to go find Mariana" he said with his head down.
"I told her we were looking in to it. This is unbelievable"
Just then Mariana walked in with Jesus,
she looked scared and worried.
"Where were you?" Lena walked up to Mariana quickly.
"I - I.. I'm sorry" her eyes watered.
"I think you owe us an explanation at least" Stef said trying not to be mad at a 14 year old.
"I went out to meet up with my birth mom at the beach. I didn't think anyone would even notice" she said looking hopeless.
"How could we not notice?!" Lena said.
Mariana looked up at her and shrugged her shoulders. She thought nobody really cared enough to notice. She ran out of the hospital before they could see her cry.
"Is she ok?" Jude looked terrified.
"Yes love, she's gonna be fine no worries" Stef said and he sat down in a chair.
Stef and Lena were feeling every possible emotion they could.
"Should we go check on Mariana?" Stef said to Lena quietly.
"Why would we? We should be focused on our daughter who is fighting for her life" Lena said in a sad bitter voice.
"Miss Adams Foster" the nurse called out after what seemed like forever,
"You can come see Callie now" Stef and Lena got up and immediately followed the nurse.
They walked in to the room to see Callie hooked up to a breathing machine. There was blood on the bed sheet they were using to cover her and it was horrifying to see as parents.
"Oh my baby" Stef said walking up to her as they both started crying at the sight.
They each grabbed her hands.
"She should be awake and able to respond. You can try talking to her she just might be a little exhausted from the medication. We do need to keep this in to help for her breathing.." the nurse said showing them the tool she was using hooked up to Callie's mouth. She left to give them privacy.
Stef rubbed her arm gently,
"Hi babe can you hear us? Mama and I are both here" She said as she watched her eyes slowly flutter open.
"Oww" she said moving slightly.
"It's ok. Hi baby" Lena said rubbing her forehead.
"H-hi" she said.
"How are you feeling love" Stef said with tears in her eyes.
"O-okay. Is Mariana safe?" She said which surprised Stef and Lena.
"Uhh yes she's ok she's here too" Lena said looking at Stef.
"G-good." She said closing her eyes.
"Baby, you should get some more sleep okay?" Lena said.
"Yeah, we love you so much" Stef said as they both gave her a kiss.
The nurse came back after a few moments and the moms left the room.
"You know what?" Stef said looking at Lena.
"I think our 16 year old daughter can teach us a little something about forgiveness" she said nodding.
"Mariana is a lost teenager but she's a good kid. We've seen it and she opened up to Callie and clearly she loves her and wants to protect her. We need to realize that and we need to protect her and love her too. Our daughter should not be the only one showing that. If we did, this situation wouldn't have happened. You know if that was Callie I would have drove up there myself and not waited for the other cops and investigators" Stef said.
"You're right. I know she's hurting too. I'm gonna talk to her" Lena said walking out of the hospital.
She found her sitting by a fountain with her legs up to her chest. She sat down next to her.
"Hi, what are you doing out here" Lena said.
"I'm sorry. I ruined the family and I'm so so sorry, just know that I didn't mean it. You guys have been so nice and I'm sorry I was such a bitch about everything. I ruin everything, I'm so stupid" she said now crying she quickly tried to dry off the tears so Lena wouldn't see.
"Mariana.. we understand, this is not your fault. You didn't ruin the family, we care about you so much. Callie was so worried about you she risked her own life - and Brandon too! You have people who care and we're gonna be here to show you that no matter what" Lena said and wrapped her in a hug.
Mariana cried while she held her, she couldn't believe she didnt immediately give up on her. For the first time in forever, she finally felt safe.

The end

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