Callie starving herself at Girls United

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<Oneshot of Callie being in Girls United for the first time and not wanting to eat/having a hard time so Rita helps her>

Callie had been at Girls United for one night but it already felt like hell to her. She hated it here. Rita was rude and took away all her personal items and basically any freedom she had. The girls were also rude and she felt like everyone was talking behind her back. This place reminded her of juvie. Rita had told her that the first day would be the worst but Callie couldn't imagine any day being better in this place.
She stayed under her covers and in bed past 7 am which was the time all the girls had to be up for breakfast and chores.
"Hey, Callie, you gotta get up before you get your ass in trouble on the second day" Kiara said shaking her bed slightly so she would get up.
"It's too early and I'm still tired" Callie said stubbornly.
"We're all tired girl but we have to get up early in here. I'm only saying this to help" Kiara said shaking her head.
"I don't care, I'm not getting up" Callie said closing her eyes agin.
"Alright, dig your own grave" Kiara said shrugging her shoulders and leaving the room to wash up.
Callie was so angry at the world but mostly hurt, she felt as if Stef and Lena didn't want her. Everone in her life abandoned her, even the family she thought never would.
"Callie?" Rita knocked loudly on her wall about 20 minutes later.
Callie hadn't even noticed but she had fallen asleep again. She pulled the blanket over her head and ignored her.
Rita walked up and tore the blanket off of her.
"Hey!" Callie said angry now even more upset at how inconsiderate Rita was being.
"Hey! It's time to wake up. I guess you forgot the rules, 7 am everyone, including you, needs to be up and ready by 7:30 for breakfast" she said firmly standing by her bed.
Callie put her hands over her face,
"I'm not hungry"
"Great, but you still need to come down with everyone. Callie, if you don't listen to me and follow instructions you are going to get a unacceptable. You only get so many chances here or we send you back to juvie. Is that what you want? Juvie?" Rita said crossing her arms.
"No. I want sleep" Callie said still in the same position.
"Okay then I guess I have no choice but to call your PO and let them deal with you" she said walking away.
"Ughh" Callie groaned as she sat up on her bed. She didn't want to listen to Rita but she didn't want to get sent back to juvie, this place was still better than that.
Rita turned around,
"Oh great, we'll meet you downstairs in 10 minutes no later" she headed downstairs and Callie threw her blanket on the floor. She wanted so badly to leave this place. She got up and brushed her teeth and freshened up before heading downstairs.
"Great that you finally decided to join us. The girls were waiting for you" Rita said and Callie looked over at all the girls with their plates still full and in front of them at the dining table.
She scrunched her eyebrows together confused,
"We all wait for each other" Rita said patting her back.
Callie served some eggs and bacon then went to sit at the table.
"Finally you decided to come downstairs! I'm starving!" Carmen said digging into her food.
"Yeah, this better not become a regular thing with you" Cole said rolling his eyes.
Callie ignored them and picked at her food.
About 15 minutes later everyone was finished except for Callie. She had all her food still on her plate.
"Not hungry?" Rita said watching her stare at her plate.
She shook her head.
"Ya know, I'm here to do more than just make sure you girls follow the rules and don't kill each other. I also care, so I'm gonna have you come back in around 30 minutes to eat some leftovers okay? That's what we do when a girl refuses to eat a meal. And let's try to at least eat with everyone next time, to get your body used to the schedule" Rita said picking up her plate and saving it.
"You can't make me eat" Callie said with an attitude as she got up and headed up the stairs.
"See you in 30!" Rita said.
Callie plopped back on her bed and was woken up 30 minutes later by Rita by her bed again,
"Come on, you must be hungry now" Rita said and Callie got up remembering the conversation they had earlier. She just wanted everyone to leave her alone.
She placed the food in front of Callie and she once again just stared at it.
"We're not leaving this table until you at least eat half of this" Rita said sitting down at the other side.
"Whatever" Callie said shrugging her shoulders and looking away from Rita.
They sat there for about an hour before Rita spoke up again,
"You need to take a bite and at least try it. This is ridiculous Callie" Rita said now a bit irritated.
"I'm not hungry I already told you!" Callie yelled back.
"Watch your tone young lady, you're on thin ice" she said raising her voice as well.
"I hate it here" Callie said crossing her arms. She felt a lump on her throat and held back tears.
"Good, you shouldn't like it here because this is a place where you try to earn your way out of. And Callie, doing this is not the way to do it. Look at me now" she said noticing Callie still staring at the wall.
She looked at her,
"You don't actually give a shit about anybody here, you're a monster" Callie said crossing her arms.
"We have a no cussing rule here actually Callie so I don't want to hear that again. Helping girls like you is actually what I love doing and I've heard much worse. All I want you to do is eat your food" she said pointing to the plate.
"No.... I need to use the bathroom" Callie said looking away from her again.
"Not until you finish your food" Rita said firmly.
"That's so unfair!" She yelled back. This time she couldn't hold the tears in her throat and she tried to hide it.
"What's making you so upset? What's wrong?" Rita said sitting in the chair next to her.
"Nothing" Callie said swallowing back tears.
"I can tell it's not nothing. You know it's okay to cry,  it's okay to show emotion" she said.
Callie looked down as a few tears finally fell from her eyes and onto her lap. She let them freely flow now. Rita rubbed her back,
"You know, punishing yourself by not eating is only going to make you feel miserable. You deserve to still take care of yourself. You deserve to eat" she said and Callie shook her head.
"What's wrong?" Rita said moving her hair away from her face.
"Nobody loves me.. n- nobody cares about me" she said now crying more. She sobbed into her hands.
"You have a wonderful foster family who cares for you, and you have your brother" Rita said.
"They all hate me"
"No they don't. You know how many times Stef has called just to make sure you're doing okay?" Rita laughed and Callie looked up at her.
"Really?" She said wiping her face.
"Yes. You have people that love you and care, they really, really do care Cal. You need to care for yourself too" she said opening her arms for a hug and Callie accepted. She cried on her shoulder and finally felt a glimmer of hope.
Stef and Lena haven't given up on her.

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