Callie protects Jude from bullies

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<little kids one shot of Jude being bullied and Callie protects him. Then ends up getting in trouble and runs away because she is scared. This was requested>

Callie: 7
Jude: 5
Jesus and Mariana: 6
*didn't include Brandon in this

Callie walked into school holding onto her little brother Jude's hand. It was their second week at Anchor Beach and they both loved it. Callie especially liked how they were able to see the beach every day, it felt like a fairytale to her.
"Okay, go put your bag down then I'll be right there to say goodbye" Callie said patting his back.
"Okay!" He said walking up to his cubby to put down his backpack and lunch box.
Callie walked over to her class to put her stuff down when she noticed a group of older boys around her age walk into Judes class. She thought that was odd and wondered why the second graders were walking into the kindergarten class.
She walked back to the classroom and peeked in again curiously.
"Hahaha what's that?!" One of the boys said grabbing Jude's lunchbox which was purple.
"Purple? That's a girl color!" The other boy said.
"Yeah, are you a girl?" They all laughed.
"And look at his nails Oh my God! Is that glitter nail polish!" Another boy said grabbing his hand.
Jude looked scared and remained silent. He didn't know what to say and felt intimidated by the older kids.
Callie began to get mad, nobody is allowed to bully her brother. She looked over at the teacher and noticed she was busy and not paying attention.
She rolled her eyes and wished the teacher would turn around to see what was happening.
"You're in kindergarten and already gay!" One of the kids laughed.
"Gay girl" they said and Jude looked down.
Callie had enough. She marched in,
"Don't be a bully! And he's not gay! Besides there is nothing wrong with that" she said remembering her moms were lesbian.
"He is too" the boy said shoving Jude back.
Callie immediately got in front of Jude and pushed the boy hard. This caused him to fall back on the floor.
"Shut up!" She yelled.
"What in the world?" The teacher said walking towards the scene.
"He did it first" Callie said now realizing what she had done.
The teacher helped the boy stand up.
"Get to the principal's office right now young lady!" The teacher yelled and she quickly headed out and shamefully walked to the office. Great, now she had to see Lena. She would be so disappointed in her and not want to be her mom anymore. They had just been adopted and now she blew it, she knew they would definitely undo her adoption. She was too much of a handful.
"What are you doing here?" Lena said watching Callie slowly walk in.
"I was sent here by Jude's teacher" she said looking down.
"Sit down" Lena said sighing. She didn't question furthur and dialed the number to the teacher to see what happend. A few minutes later she hung up.
"Callie, you pushed another student down and said things that were not school appropriate?" Lena said in disbelief.
Callie was so scared she was shaking slightly. All she could think about was how much of a disappointment she was.
"You know you are not allowed to put your hands on another student Callie! We have had this conversation before" Lena said shaking her head.
Callie didn't answer.
"I'm gonna have mom pick you up now. You need to really think about this. We'll talk at home okay?" Lena said and Callie nodded slightly.
Stef arrived to pick her up and she was silent the whole way and refused to answer any questions. She was scared if she did they would yell at her.
Later on in the day the kids came back home.
"Why weren't you at school? We didn't see you at lunch" Mariana said entering the room.
"I was sent home" she said while laying on her bed.
"Why?" Mariana said.
Just then Jesus walked in,
"Where were you! No fair" he said and Callie ignored him,
"I pushed a kid and he fell. That's it but it was because-" she said and Jesus interrupted,
"Oooohhh that's bad. I don't think you'll be on the nice list this year" he said and Callie looked at him confused.
"Yeah probably not because you bullied someone" Mariana added.
"Oh and that means you won't get any presents this year on Christmas" Jesus said and Callie looked sad,
"Really? But I am good" she said trying not to cry.
"Then you have to stop doing that. I don't think Santa will forgive you" he said and Mariana nodded seriously.
Callie crossed her arms,
"I did it because they were bullying Jude!" She said angry as she ran downstairs quietly and quickly.
She remembered they got her a new bike recently and she opened the door revealing the outside neighborhood. She carefully shut it again and grabbed her bike, she peddled as fast as she could away from the house.
She arrived a few minutes later to their favorite park that was close by. She didn't know where else to go and figured she was safe here. Where no one can find her. She thought what she did was good for Jude but now she wasn't sure, Jesus and Mariana think she is naughty and she knew her moms wouldn't want her anymore.
"Where did Callie go?" Jude said entering Callie and Mariana's room.
"I don't know. She ran out" they both shrugged.
"She protected me from the mean big kids at school" Jude said smiling.
"We better tell moms" Mariana said heading downstairs.
"Oh my god what!!" Stef yelled and Lena immediately got up and went out the front door.
"Where do you think she went?" Lena said looking around.
"Not sure but, hef bike is gone" Stef pointed out.
They loaded up the kids in the vehicle and drove slowly around the neighborhood to find Callie.
"She's hitting kids, running away. Why would she even be doing these things anyway?" Lena shook her head. They were both scared and just wanted to find her.
"There must have been a good reason. We know her, she has a heart of gold and she's one of the sweetest kids" Stef said and Lena agreed.
"She is nice to me and is my big sister" Jude said smiling from his carseat.
"Yes love. And we're going to find her" Stef said. They came across the park and saw her sitting down on the grass next to her bike.
"There!" Lena said and Stef stopped the car.
"Thank god! Stay here I'll go talk with her" Stef said getting out and running up to her.
Callie saw Stef coming her way and backed up scared.
"Why did you run away from home? Without telling anyone where you were going? This is so dangerous and I'm so happy you're okay" Stef said gently kneeling down. She noticed Callie looked frightened so she didn't want her to run again.
"I - I don't know" she said breathing uneven.
"Can you please tell me why you left?" Stef said picking up her bike.
Callie swallowed,
"Will Santa forgive me?" She said as tears formed in her eyes.
"What?" Stef said confused.
"And will you still want me?" She said frowning.
"Of course we love you so very much and will always want you.. always" Stef said bringing her in for a hug. Her heart hurt and she could feel the pain in her little 7 year olds voice.
"Tell me why you had a bad day" Stef said rubbing her back.
"They were bullying Jude! They told him he was a girl and gay. The second graders did and I heard them! Then they pushed Jude and so I pushed them back and he fell" Callie said playing with her fingers. She was scared the true story was going to disappoint Stef.
"I'm sorry.." she said after a few moment of silence.
"No, you don't have to be sorry. You were standing up for your little brother and I'm so proud of you for doing that" Stef said grabbing her hand.
"But next time, tell the teacher instead of hitting someone so you won't go to the office. Even if we are doing the right thing, sometimes we get in trouble for it" she said lifting her up onto her hip as she nodded
"Okay mom"
"You're such a good big sister. You better not scare me like that ever again though. Now let's go home" Stef said kissing her cheek.

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