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<Little kid one shot of the kids going to get a haircut - Callie, Jude, and Brandon are Stef's biological kids and they are fostering to adopt 5 year old twins Jesus and Mariana.
Changed up some details but was inspired by: @EsquivelYL>

"Almost time for the first day of school how are my babies doing?" Stef said entering Callie and Jude's room that they shared.
"Good. Hi mommy" Callie said smiling and stretching her arms out for Stef.
"Awe my sleepy babe" Stef said lifting Callie out of her bed and carrying her. She gave her a kiss on her forehead and she snuggled up into her neck.
"Is my judicorn awake?!" She said going up to Judes toddler bed and rubbing his back.
"Ughhhhh" he said in an angry tone. Even though he was only 3 he had a temper.
"Goodmorning to you too Mr. Grumpy pants" Stef said causing Callie to giggle.
"You go get your teeth brushed and hop in that shower we're going for haircuts today!" She said putting Callie down,
"Yayyy" she said running to the bathroom.
Brandon was standing by the door when Stef turned around.
"B you're next for the shower" she said hugging him.
"Ok mommy" he said going to pick out an outfit.
She walked over to the spare bedroom and opened the door. It was Mariana and Jesus's first night staying with them,
"Goodmorning sunshine! How are we feeling?" Stef said entering their room.
"Hi" they both said in unison from their separate beds.
"Did you sleep good?" Stef said sitting on the edge of Mariana's bed.
"Yes, I did. Thank you" she said smiling.
"I love to hear that. Hey, today we're getting haircuts to get ready for back to school. You guys can't get a haircut but Lena is going to do your hair in pretty braids today ok?" Stef said and she nodded.
"But first you gotta take a shower missy" Stef said tapping her nose with her finger which made her smile.
"You both can use mine and Lena's shower since the other kids are probably going to take forever with that other shower Stef said laughing. They nodded and stared at her. She noticed they were really shy.
"Alright, let's go" they both got up and headed to the moms room and Lena was sitting on the bed.
"Hi honey's! You had good sleep?" She said patting the spot on her bed and Jesus climbed on. He gave her a hug.
"Awe thank you" Lena said making a face at Stef and she smiled back. These moments warmed her heart. Mariana stood there stroking her long hair. She desperately needed a haircut, some sort of change. It made Stef sad how foster children were not allowed to get haircuts unless certain circumstances.
"Mariana, did Stef tell you that I'm doing your pretty hair today?" She said smiling.
"Yes!" Mariana said excitedly.
"Alright then, go take a shower so we can start I'll pick out your clothes for today too" Lena said rubbing Jesus's back.
"Ok" she said and Stef showed her to the bathroom and turned on the shower for her.
Lena picked out an outfit for Jesus and Mariana and placed in on her bed. Jesus watched tv in the meantime while waiting for his sister to finish showering.
She finished 5 minutes later and came out wrapped in a towel.
"Wow! That was fast" Stef said laughing.
"Yeah I'm fast" Mariana said shyly as she giggled and Jesus rushed into the shower,
"My turn!" He said running.
"Careful with the running" Stef said laughing.
"Ok come here love" Lena said opening her arms. Mariana walked over and she helped her dry off and change into her clothes.
She started combing her long hair and putting moisturizer in it.
Stef heard yelling coming from the kids bathroom.
"Oh dear lord" Stef said rolling her eyes as she walked out of the room.
"What the hell is going on?" She said.
"Ooooh bad word" Jude said pointing at Stef.
"Don't repeat what I say" she said pointing back.
"CALLIE! it's been hours!" Brandon said knocking on the bathroom door.
"Is she still in there?" Stef said.
"Yes" Brandon said crossing his arms and pouting.
Stef opened the bathroom door,
"CAL! come on love you're taking too long in there. No more playing" she said.
"I'm not!" Callie said back.
"You have one more minute then you're out no exceptions! You're going to make us late" she said closing the door.
She finished up a few minutes later and Brandon went in.
"You know what, we're not gonna have time for your shower Jude" Stef said putting a hand on her head.
"You'll have to just take one when we get back from haircuts"
"But I'm stinky" Jude said.
"Nooo, let me check" Stef said smelling Judes hair.
"Smells ok to me, now change mister" she said and Jude obeyed.
She walked back into her room and saw Lena almost finished with Mariana's hair and Jesus changed.
"Wow, you two are fast. Maybe you can teach those others kids that" Stef said pointing to their rooms and they both laughed.
"Do you like it?" Lena said. Mariana's hair was in two french braids along with glitter hair spray.
"I love it! I might do that with my hair too" Stef said admiring her hair.
"You look beautiful" Lena said.
They helped Jesus with his hair too. Stef combed it and put hair gel and slicked it to the side.
"You two are looking dapper, now let's go" she said and they headed downstairs.
"Are you guys done yet?" Stef said entering the other kids rooms.
"Yes" Callie said heading downstairs and to the kitchen with Jesus and Mariana.
Bandon and Jude barely were finished up changing and they both went downstairs.
"I'm so proud of you my little one. You got yourself all dressed" she said picking up Jude.
They all got into the vehicle and were at the hair salon 10 minutes later.
Lena checked them in and they all waited in the lobby.
"Ooh I want this" Callie said pointing at a hair picture in the catalog magazine.
"Great choice" Stef said.
"You guys, make sure we are all picking one that we for sure want because hair does not grow back overnight" she said and they all nodded.
"I like this one!" Brandon said. The three of them talked amongst each other about which styles they wanted. Stef noticed Mariana sitting next to them beginning to look sad while Jesus just seemed to enjoy looking through the catalogs with them.
"You ok honey?" Stef said to Mariana and she looked down without saying anything.
"Mariana" Lena said touching her hand.
Mariana started to cry and Stef and Lena both looked at each other. Lena gave her a hug and carried her out of the salon and outside on a bench nearby.
"What wrong sweetheart?" Lena said sitting her on her lap,
"I want a haircut" she said through tears which broke Lena's heart.
"I'm so sorry. You'll be able to get one soon ok? Just not today. Don't you like your hair style I gave you?" Lena said trying to cheer her up.
"Yes. But I want to cut my hair like Callie" she said continuing to cry.
"Hey, I promise that one day soon I'll take you back here and we'll let you get a haircut when you're adopted" Lena said wiping her tears.
"Ok I just wish I can today" she said touching her braids.
"I love your long hair. Me and Stef are not getting haircuts. You can be like us" she said which made her smile.
"Ok I like that" Lena carried her as they walked through the park that was nearby. They looked at the ducks and even fed them some duck food. Mariana ended up falling asleep in her arms. Lena felt a connection with Mariana in that moment, this was her daughter and Jesus was her son. She couldn't wait to spend forever with them.

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