Jude gets in trouble for smoking

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< One shot where Jude gets in a lot of trouble for smoking and Callie gets mad he is being treated unfairly. This was requested>

"You want to explain to us why you were just smoking in the garage?"
"What in the world were you thinking?" Stef and Lena stood over Jude who was now sitting down on the couch.
"I'm sorry. It helps me focus" Jude said nervously rubbing his arms.
"Yeah, you seemed very focused" Stef laughed.
"Don't lie to us Jude, you were smoking weed to get high. Not to focus on anything" Lena was disappointed their little seemingly innocent Jude was not what they thought.
"I know. It's not like it's a bad thing though. It's natural" Jude said looking down. He didn't want to face his moms diapointment.
"I don't care what it is, it's a drug and addictive. Not to mention you are 15!" Stef was angry and couldn't believe he had been hiding this big secret.
"Almost 16" Jude mumbled.
"I don't care what you almost are you're a young teen. Basically a kid you should not be doing this"
"Do we need to talk about why? Do you need help? I don't know what to say" Lena looked at Jude with sad eyes.
"No, I'll stop okay? I'm fine" he shook his head while tears formed in his eyes.
"I'm disappointed because I think you know better" Stef said shaking her head.
"We will definitely be talking about this more later. For now I need your phone and you're grounded" Lena said holding out her hand.
"Fine" Jude groaned and handed her the phone.
"Also, you're grounded for a month. This is serious and I need you to know that" Stef raised her eyebrows and Jude got up defensively.
"What! A month?"
"Yes, a month, and if you don't change your tone with me right now it will be a lot more. Now go upstairs and think about why it is a bad idea for a 15 year old to smoke weed" Stef said angrily.
Lena watched in agreement as Jude stomped up the stairs.
"I can't believe him. What is going on with our kids?" Stef shook her head and Lena rubbed her back.
"Honey, it's important we explain it to him later and talk about how serious it is instead of just being mad. He doesn't get it" Lena explained and Stef nodded.
"Okay" she grabbed his phone and stuck it in her pocket.
"What's wrong?" Callie said as she watched Jude walk to his room.
"They're giving me a month. I'm grounded for a month. Moms found out about the weed" Jude said disappointed.
"Well, they were eventually going to Jude. How long did you think you can keep this secret?" Callie said. She was relieved the moms finally knew what he did and she didn't feel as guilty anymore. She also didn't like the idea of a 15 year old smoking.
"Well, this is exactly what you wanted wasn't it?" Jude shook his head and turned his back to her.
"No, Jude, I just care about you and don't want you doing that. I don't think you deserve a whole month grounded though" she crossed her arms.
"Well, moms don't care" he walked into his room and sat on the bed.
Callie walked over and sat next to him. She leaned her head on his shoulder,
"I'm sorry, a month is ridiculous.. but they do care" she said softly.
"No they don't, how could I think they care? when Mariana stole Jesus' pills she barely got in any trouble. I'm clearly not the favorite. We're the new kids Callie, we're not as important" Callie noticed tears in his eyes and she hugged him.
"Don't say that, they love us just as much as they love them. But you're right, it's not fair and I'm gonna talk to them" she said standing up.
"You don't have to"
"But I want to, and I love you so much. Probably more than anyone else in this house, that's why I'm such a hard ass" Callie said as they laughed.
"So please, don't do this Jude" she said holding his hand and he smiled.
"Okay. I know you care so thanks. Even though you can be annoying" he laughed and she headed downstairs.
"So, jude is grounded? You know he's really upset" Callie said going up to Stef and lena.
"I know he probably isn't happy but this is what we think is right. He should not be doing drugs and lie to us about it" Stef said.
"I understand that but for a month really?" Callie said more annoyed this time.
"Cal, I really do not want to have this argument with you. It is what it is-"
"No, I won't accept that because if I do then I will have to accept what Jude said." She looked sad.
"What did Jude say?"
"He said that we're the new kids and that you guys don't love us as much or care about us like you do for Mariana and Jesus" she said and Stef and Lena looked at her with shocked eyes.
"Excuse me?"
"How could he even think that!" Stef said hurt that she made her son feel this way.
"Mariana.. she took Jesus' pills and sold them. You gave her a week"
"Well, her situation was different"
"Maybe, but he has a point. She took drugs. Even worse than he did, she abused prescriptions! And she got less of a punishment"
"She's right" Lena said sighing.
"We never meant to make Jude feel this way. We just need time to think about it" Stef said now in deep thought.
"You and Jude mean so much to us, we love you with everything in us" Lena smiled.
"I love you but, I'm not the one you need to tell that to" Callie looked at both of them.
"We were just upset to see our little judicorn become a rebellious teenager" Stef gave a fake laugh.
"I know. I don't want him to grow up. But he has to live his life and make mistakes and grow. That's how we learn"
Stef and Lena realized their daughter was right and Jude deserved some understanding. They also realized they need to treat all of their kids the same and hold them to the same standards.
They walked up to Jude's room. He was still in the same position from earlier.
"We're sorry. You're such a good kid Jude and it was just so unexpected when we found out this. You were the last person that came to mind when we found pot in the garage"
"But we love you no matter what. So that means we're not gonna ground you for a whole month. " Lena said bringing him in for a hug.
He smiled in her arms,
"I'm sorry I disappointed you guys"
"No, we reacted wrong. We were harder on you because you're not like Mariana. She doesnt have your sweet personality or moral compass. I'm sorry for not remembering you are also a teenager" Stef also wrapped him in a hug. All the kids loved a mama sandwhich.
"Now, you still don't get your phone back but we'll think about what time is more appropriate to ground you for" Stef said rubbing his hair.
"We love you, don't forget that"

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