chapter twelve "More nervous than usual"

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A/N: Somehow, I managed to write two chapters today. I got a comment from Lilliexox and a box of wheat thins, sat down, and wrote all day long. I might even have another chapter toorrow, but I'm notmaking any promises.


Chapter 12

You land with an excruciating bang but have no time to observe your surroundings. A piercing pain rushes through your veins and you have a splitting headache. Oh great. After a moment, the headache fades, and you look around to see just where you’ve landed. You can feel from the stuffy air that you’re in a small room, and you can see that the lights are off. You locate the switch and shield your eyes from the blinding light. You’re in a closet full of cleaning supplies. You find a map on the wall and see that you’re right where you wanted to be, and Amy’s office was just down the corridor. 

As casually as one could be exiting a closet, you go out into the hall. You follow the map and turn right, making your way towards the office door marked “A. Williams, CEO”  You raise your fist up, but before you’re able to knock, you hear muffled voices coming from inside the office, and stop dead in your tracks.

“---impossible, you know that he can never come back here.” Stated a deep English accent.

“I know, --- thought it was him. I mi --- so much, it’s like I’m going crazy.” Rebutted a feminine Scottish voice. 

The two people continued to talk, most of it was inaudible.  As the conversation draws to a close, the man says something about going home, and you hear feet shuffling nervously towards the door. You step aside, into the shadows, as the man opens the door and light floods the hallway. The silhouette of a tall man with a large nose causes everything to finall come together  in your head. ‘A. Williams’ the accents, the nose. Rory! The woman in the room is Amy, and this is Rory! Watching the video logs Amy made, you know instinctively that Rory would be a lot more understanding of the situation, while Amy is much more pushy and straightforward. Against your better judgment, you decide to follow Rory.


You’ve been trailing Rory for a good 40 minutes. Instead of going home, he walked to central park. He strolls around, stopping to look at water fountains, watching dogs chase each other, and wanders aimlessly throughout the park. 

As you follow this strange man around, you realize that your plan wasn’t very well thought out. You knew you were going to come here and meet them, and find a way to get them out of New York to be with the doctor again, but you had no idea how to do any of this, let alone strike up a conversation with your long- lost granddad. Deep in thought, you notice Rory begins to look more nervous than usual. Turns out that following someone around for a while, you start to get lazy. Instead of following from far behind, you’re a lot closer now. Close enough to be noticed, as everyone went in all different directions in the park, while you stayed steadily behind Rory. 

He starts glancing nervously over his shoulder at you, and speeding up his pace. You nonchalantly hang behind as he goes under an old bridge. When his footsteps fade away, you walk in. You can see the light at the other side of the bridge, but Rory is nowhere to be found. As you slow down, disappointed that you’ve lost him, you’re forcibly pushed down and your head smashes into the ground instantly knocking you out cold.

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