chapter sixteen "Poised to kill"

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A/N: wow, my life. I haven't written in what, a week? It feels like a year. I missed it. But yeah, I've been busy with christmas and re-doing my room, but I'm back! I'll be writing all day, so hit me up!


Chapter 16

This time around, you brace yourself for the searing pain of the time vortex, but find the experience less painful than before. You land gracefully on a park bench. “Apparently it’s true what they say, you do get used to it.” you think. You take in your surroundings. You’ve landed on a bench on the outer edge of central park, and remember passing it when you were trailing Rory. You’re exactly two blocks from Amy and Rory’s flat. Around you, you see children playing and ladies walking their dogs. Under a tree, a happy couple has a picnic, enjoying the bright sun. You take off running towards the flat. Better to get there before your parents come looking for you. 

You weave in and out of the crowd of New Yorkers and tourists, all giving you weird looks. It’s normal to be moving at a fast pace, but running is weird, especially for a young girl. You’re running so fast the world is just a  blur of colors. The only thing leading you is your Time Lord sense of smell. Underneath all of the dirt , grime, and mixed cologne, you can smell Rory, and somewhere closer to him is Amy. They both have very distinct smells. As you race through the New York streets, you feel a solid mass blocking your way as you k nock into it. Not even looking up, you try and push your way around. “Sorry, sir.” you say without a second thought. Anyone that could stay standing after being rammed into had to be a pretty muscular man. In fact, he didn’t even budge. He was as hard as…. Stone.  When the man doesn’t yell at you or apologize, you look up and realize you’re lucky to  be alive.

Standing in front of you is the most terrifying thing in the universe. An angel, poised to kill. It’s features are faint, as it hasn’t been near any time energy in years. As adrenaline rushes through your veins, a smile crossed your lips. They’ve sensed your time energy and were coming in from around the city to feed. “Sorry to disappoint” you mutter. You back away so you can keep an eye on the angel and still look at the people around you. First you spot a businessman rushing off to some meeting. Too busy. Next, you see a hipster, coffee cup in hand. “Excuse me! Hi can you h-” she rolls her eyes at you and keeps walking. “who am I kidding, they don’t listen to anyone but their records.” you laugh at your own joke. Next, you see a tourist with one of those foam hats mimicking the statue of liberty. Looks stupid enough. You put on your most convincing pity face and call him over. “Oh, dear. Look how terrible this statue is sir. Isn’t it terrible to come into New York, and see the horrible effects of pollution and acid rain?”

“Oh, I know!” he cries in a strong southern accent. “This poor city! Don’t you think they’d fix ‘em up?” 

“Hey, look, there’s some sort of inscription on it! It’s hard to see, but if you only blink one eye at a time, I bet it’ll be more clear.”

“Really? Let me try!” he drawls.

Perfect. You rush off once again down the street. As long as he follows your instructions, he’ll be fine, and so will the rest of New York. As you’re about to turn a corner, you realize what you’ve done. 

You’ve basically condemned an innocent, gullible tourist to death by angel, just to help yourself get where you‘re going. You don’t even know what his name is! This is exactly the sort of thing the doctor was trying to protect you from! As you look at the whole of the universe, you forget how important every being is. As you turn around to make sure he’s alright, you come face to face with the angel.

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