chapter six "Hold on tight!"

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After a near-death er… near-regeneration experience one night, the doctor decidesit’s time to fiddle with some broken fibu.. Hydro.. Bits of the tardis console. Itt seems like hes making up half the words he’s saying, but you head off to find the part he needs anyway. Apparently it’s”up the stairs, make a right. You’ll see a purple door, check to make sure its locked, turn let at the roundabout past the tea room, through the golden corridor, and to the right in the drawing room.”  fantastic. 

You head up the stairs, and turn this way and that, until you eventually you reach a golden corridor. You see two doors. One to the left, the other to the right. Completley forgetting the doctor’s instructions comes easily when you peak inside the door to the left. It’s filled to the brim with books. The shelves stretch up and back as far as the eye can see. It must contain every book in the universe! Books of all shapes and sizes crowd the shelves. Hard back, paper back, and even some leaves tied together with twine. All different languages and dialects in bold letters jump off the cover of each one. “Speaking and understanding cats” and “The Lives and Histories of famed Silurians.” are just a few. 

Although it’d be great to read for the rest of your thirteen lives, you have a job to do. You mark down the library in your mental map of the tardis. Theres no doubt you’ll be returning here sooner or later. 

You manage to wrench yourself away from the books and walk across the hall to the drawing room. clocks of all different varieties hang on the walls. The tick away ominously. A constant reminder to the doctor of the fact that time isn’t on his side.  There are bookshelves here too, but containing everything that isn’t a book. Well, actually there is ONE book. All the cover says is  “Melody Malone.” The woman on the cover strongly resembles River, but her face is covered by a hat and she wears a trench coat. You flip to the last page, to find it’s been torn out. The doctor hates endings. 

When you flip through the pages your memory catches up to you and you realize what this book is. Should you be reading it? After some thought, you come to the conclusion that once you read the future, it becomes fixed. But the past doesn’t matter, it’s already happened, therefore it can be changed. Time can be rewritten. 

You grab the book and eventually find a part that seems as if it will fit where the doctors broken fibulsjigulator-thingy. You drop the book off in your room before you head back to the console. If the doctor knew you’d taken something from his drawing room… 

When you give the doctor his do-whopper whoosit he fiddles around with wires and succeeds in making the lights flicker uncontrollably. Though I doubt that’s what he was aiming for. He runs around pushing buttons, all of which make the situation worse. The lights are flickering and the tardis starts trembling and red lights are flashing. You scream over the blaring sounds so he hears you as he scans the console with the sonic. “WHAT’S SHE DOING, DAD?”

“I DON’T KNOW, BUT HOLD ON TIGHT!” As the tardis tumbles hopelessly through time and space, the doctor grabs onto you with one arm and holds onto the rail with another. This is certainly a bumpy ride. 

 A/N: For some reason, I never posted chapter seven... youll have to take a detour to the end and then come back, sorry /:

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