chapter four "What colony?"

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Most nights, if River is in her cell, and not in the tardis (the doctor never really sleeps) you explore the many rooms of the tardis, and eventually make your way to your grandparents room and watch an episode or two of amy’s video diaries. They help getting over the shock of the situation, and to learn more about the places and times you can go. The first few talk about her, and her life as a child with her many physiatrists. The next few talk about the Atroxi, the Daleks, Starship UK, and all the other adventures you never get to see on the show. Then come the weeping angels. In the log, she doesn’t seem to know much about them, or how to destroy them. She talks about the dangers of even THINKING about them. She was mentioning a very important book she’d found  on the subject when all of the sudden, the tardis’ signiture noise echoes down the corridor. You rush out of the room and to the engine room, and just as you turn the corner, you smash right into the doctor, knocking him to the ground. 

“Sorry da- mr- do-”

“Oh, that’s alright, I was just coming to get you. And by the way, you can call me whatever you like, most people call me doctor, but I suppose you arent most people, now, are you?“ He seems excited as he pops up to his feet. “or, you can call me by my name..” he adds slyly. “In fact, it’s-” 

“DOCTOR! You’ve made it! Come quickly!” a woman with a strong American accent busts through the tardis door and interrupts the doctor. She states that the colony is in grave danger, and she needs help. The doctor pulls you out of the door with him, and the woman follows. “We’re about to be attacked by the mandoag tribe, but no one will believe me!”

“Well how do you know?” I jumped in.

“Mayweather  has… visions. Very rare, very scary.” 

“and very useful” she winked at the doctor, and he began frantically gesturing towards me. “oh yes, you must be the young time lord.”

You’re still shocked by her last comment. “so… you know each other, then?” You raise your eyebrows, and the doctor changes the subject.

“yes so, we need to find a way to warn the colony so they can defend themselves, right?”

“No, doctor, we can’t stand against the Indians. There’s 117 of us, but most are women and children. They have finely tuned warriors with no mercy, I fear.”

“Colony, what colony?” This is all too confusing.

"Exactly." Mayweather points to her head matter-of-factly. "In my vision, I saw the tribe ransacking our villiage, heard screams of terror, and men being murdered. Then I saw the tardis, and I called you right away.

"How can you call people? this is... the past! Oi, where are we by the way, doctor?"

“Ahh, yes. Welcome to 1587, Roonock Island."

“Why? Whats so important about this little island? Where IS it?”

Mayweather picks up a stick, and in the ground writes “Roonock” as she points to each syllable, her accent explains everything.“Row-an-oak” 

"The Lost Colony."

*HA, i just had to put that Oi in there. I couldn't help myself. Anywho, this is a kind of short/ talky talk chapter, because I wanted to throw a little side adventure in there, so they could have some father-daughter time. It's a little late... whoops! but i hope you liked it! -Alli

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