Chapter 18 - Real

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May 21st, 1987
Michael's POV
I woke up early the next morning for a meeting with Quincy and Frank. They were bringing video directors and model choices for my video The Way You Make Me Feel that I would start filming really soon. Ariana had no clue about the video or the models, and I'm not sure how she'd feel about it. I just hoped she knew it was strictly business.

I walked out of my room and approached Ariana's door that was next door to mine. I carefully opened the door, making sure not to wake her if she was still sleeping. I peeked my head in and smiled when I saw her sleeping peacefully. Her lips puckered out and her hair spread out on the pillow. I admired the sight for just a few more moments before I shut her door back and made my way to the basement to wait for Quincy and Frank.

I stopped in the kitchen when I saw mother preparing breakfast for everyone, "Good morning." I kissed her cheek gently.

"Good morning Michael. Did you and Ariana sleep alright?" She didn't take her eyes off the eggs on the stove. She was always so concerned and making sure Ariana was alright, they had a great relationship I was thankful for. All of my family loved her.

"We did, Ariana is still asleep. I'm sure she'll be up soon, she doesn't usually sleep in too late." I told her before she handed me a plate.

"Does she know your working today?"

"Yeah, she usually comes along but I have to do this without her today. I'm sure she won't mind." I grabbed a fork before I sat down at the breakfast bar to eat.

Mother raised an eyebrow at me, "And what exactly are you doing today?"

I sighed, "You know how we start filming for The Way You Make Me Feel next month?" Mother nodded her head, "We're just discussing the plan.." I paused for a moment, "And I'm choosing a female for the video, I have to have a decision by today."

My mother gave me a look, "Michael.. Does she know about this?"

"She doesn't, no."

"If you don't tell her, I will. She deserves to know."

"I know I know, I'll tell her after the meeting. Please don't tell her anything, mother. I want to be the one to say it."

She sighed, "Okay Michael." She walked around to the breakfast bar to kiss my cheek, "Have a good day."

"I will." I smiled back at her before taking my plate to the sink and making my way downstairs.

Quincy and Frank soon arrived and met me downstairs.

"So we'll start filming beginning of June, Michael do you see any photos you like? Any models I can call?" Frank finished.

I didn't look up from the photos in front of me, all of the women were all so beautiful. Of course, they were nothing compared to Ariana, but it was hard to chose. I had to feel attracted to which ever woman I chose.

"They're all beautiful.." I spoke, "I can't chose."

"Here, how about this one?" Quincy pulled out an extra photo and slid it in front of me, "She was supposed to be in someone else's video but it was canceled."

I examined her picture closely. She had long brown curls that were styled perfectly. She had innocent eyes, full red lips. She was perfect.

"What's her name?" I asked Quincy still examining the photo in my hand.

"Tatiana Thumbtzen. She's a model from New York, used to do ballet. I say she's pretty talented."

"And she's great looking Michael, she would fit the whole video idea perfect." Frank added in.

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