Chapter 1 - The Club

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February 11th, 1987
Ariana's POV
Seven o'clock is when the air outside is crisp, and dry. Especially around this time of the year.

I adjusted my white button up jacket and walked away from my front door. I felt the butterflies in my stomach as I walked towards my taxi which would take me to a place I would either regret or love.

I opened the taxi door and plopped down, "First Avenue Club please." I told the driver before putting on my seatbelt. He nodded and we took off.

I was really looking to further my music career, and at this club they had so many gigs on Friday nights. Sometimes I just like to watch for the night, but tonight was the night I wanted to be on the stage myself, or try to.

I took a deep, nervous breath as I looked down at my tape. My song. My own song that I wrote myself. This was the one thing I was counting on tonight.

I brushed my thumb over the tape and then looked up and stared out the window.

Before I knew it, I was approaching the club. Tons of people were crowded outside of the club talking to their friends, and waiting to get inside of the club. I was not in the mood to wait in this long line at all, so I didn't.

"Thank you." I told the cab driver handing him a ten dollar bill before getting out of the car. I walked quickly to the front doors of the club, gently brushing by people.

"Excuse me," I said as I reached for the doors to the club.

"Hey, you can't do that." I assumed a worker said from behind me. A taller and older man walked in front of me blocking me from the doors.

"I'm here to speak to the manager of the club." I thought of a lie quickly.

"Nu uh, he don't talk to no damn body." He told me before sticking a cigar in his mouth and walking in the club himself. Before the door could close, I stuck my foot in and quickly made my way in.

I looked around as I walked inside slowly, it was crowded tonight, which made me even more anxious. I took a deep breath and adjusted my black lacey dress so it reached my mid thigh. I then walked with confidence to the available table that was right in front of the stage. I felt eyes on me as I approached the table and sat down. I slipped off my white coat before taking a seat and giving my full attention to the stage. Nobody had been on the stage yet but I could tell something was about to start as they started to set up the equipment.

I looked around me after setting my tape down on the table in front of me. I usually don't come alone, I would bring my friend Jane to the club a lot of nights, but tonight was my night. I thought I'd watch a few performances tonight before attempting myself.

"Eh hem," I heard echo through the club before giving my full attention to the stage, "Everybody, put your hands together for The Revolution."

I clapped briefly before giving my full attention to the stage. The Revolution was a huge band here at the club. The lead singer, Prince, always knew how to put on a show, and that's what I love about them.

"Dearly Beloved, we gather here today to get through this thing called life." Prince spoke into the microphone before a guitar and drums started to play. I clapped my hands to the beat and watched through the whole performance.

I noticed crowds of people that were starting to move towards the back of the building, as I turned around I caught a glimpse of a man with curly hair and ray ban sunglasses covering his eyes. He was surrounded by body guards that prevented people in the club getting close to him.

That couldn't be who I think it is. In First Avenue club? Couldn't be.

I tried to get a closer look by standing up and looking over people. And that was definitely him.

I didn't go over there, I wouldn't want to get wrapped up in all of that. So I sat back down and continued to watch the performance. Prince didn't even care about the chaos going on, he continued to perform with everything in him.


I watched through three more acts before finally getting up and walking backstage. I wasn't even sure if I was allowed to, but I'm doing this tonight.

"Hi, my name is Ariana. I was just wondering if you guys had a slot available tonight before the club closes," I said to two men who were holding clipboards.

"Depends, did you bring music with you?" The taller man with black hair asked me.

"Yes actually," I said handing him my tape, "You can play it if you'd like."

He looked over it before looking up at me with a smirk, "Into You, I like it. Come this way." He nodded his head for me to follow him.

I smiled big before taking his lead. He unlocked a door and turned on all the lights in the room. There was a tape player in the corner of the room along with a microphone attached to a piano.

"Take a seat." The man told me. I sat down on the small brown chair that was in the other corner of the room. He sat beside me before placing my tape into the tape player, "I'm Jeff by the way." He reached his hand out for me to shake it.

"Ariana." I took his hand in mine and shook it gently.

"Great to meet you, so what we're gonna do here is I'm gonna play your tape and if I think it's good enough to be performed here tonight, I'll let you do your thing, how does that sound?"

"It sounds great." I smiled big. "You have no idea how much this means to me."

"Don't get too excited yet." He chuckled before pressing play.

That's when the butterflies started, I knew I'd be nervous, but not this nervous.

The familiar beat filled the room and I looked down at my feet, fiddling with my thumbs. I was too nervous to even look up at Jeff for his approval. This is what it all came down to. If it didn't happen tonight, I had no idea what I was going to do. I had already planned everything in my head, I couldn't be let down.

Soon the song ended and I finally looked up at Jeff for the first time, his face was still straight as he pulled the tape out. He clutched it in his hand before looking over to me.

"This is amazing." He said simply.

I smiled big before squealing and wrapping my arms around him, "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" I felt numb, this was actually going to happen, tonight.

He laughed before I pulled away, "What now?" I asked excitedly.

"Get ready to perform, lady. I need to introduce you to everyone first." He said getting up and walking to the door, I followed close behind.

The first person I saw after walking out of that room was Prince. My stomach dropped as I gulped hard.

"Have you met Prince yet?" Jeff asked me as we walked closer to him.

"Um no I haven't." I said nervously.

He smirked at me before we walked up to Prince himself.

"Prince, I'd like you to meet somebody.."


I finally got the first chapter up! It's not much but I was so tired of having this draft sitting here. I can't wait to write more for you guys! Let me know how you guys like this plot idea. Did y'all peep Michael in the club? Wheww I'm excited for what's going to happen next.

- amandangarret

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