Chapter 25 - Evil Eye

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Ariana's POV
I looked at Selena standing outside of my hotel for a moment trying to process what was about to happen, or what she'd say.

"We can talk, sure. Come in." I said flatly, opening the door wider for her to walk in. She walked by me swiftly and I quickly closed the door behind her, eager to hear what she would have to say.

"Michael is not for you." She said simply sitting down in a chair in the corner of the room. "You would've been better off with Prince."

I felt my heart fall, and I choked up for a second. "Why would you say that?" I managed to say. She had no idea what I've gone through with Prince.

"Just trust me, please." Her serious tone made me think twice. "He is not loyal to you."

"Was he flirting with you?" I quickly retreated. My stomach was in knots at this point, it made me sick to my stomach thinking about Michael flirting with other women.

"Not directly, but from his body language I could tell something was there." Selena said standing up once again, "Listen, Ariana. I don't want any problems, I really am just looking out for you as a woman." I nodded in agreement, Selena was right. I didn't want any problems either, especially if I find out this information is true. I really didn't know what to believe.

"Thank you for letting me know, I'll talk to him about it." I broke from my brief silence.

"Of course, I just hope you know I wouldn't have flirted with Michael if I knew you two were serious. He wasn't acting that way at all. If you hadn't said anything, I would've thought he was single." She admitted. Everything Selena is saying to me is tearing my heart to pieces with every piece of information I hear.

"We're everywhere, we're on television, newspapers, everyone knows our story." I tried to defend my relationship with Michael knowing it would only get shot back down.

"Yes but you know how tabloids are, they make anything up these days." She stated.

I folded my arms and nodded, "You're right." I said simply before I sat down on the edge of the bed with a sigh, "What do I do now?" I spoke my mind.

"Talk to him. Let him know how you feel." Selena sat down next to me.

"We had a heart to heart talk last night, everything was going well until he left and you told me this .. Now I have to mess it all up again."

"You're not messing up anything. It's him." Selena said placing her hand on top of mine trying to comfort me. It was kind of strange but I needed it at this moment, my mind was racing and I don't think it's gonna slow down anytime soon. At least not until I talk to Michael about it, which would be after rehearsal, at our dinner tonight.

"Okay, I'll talk to him tonight." I said. "Thank you again, for looking out."

"As a woman, I couldn't let you get hurt especially if I knew something." Selena said and smiled nicely.

I smiled back, "I may have had the wrong impression of you at first, and I apologize."

Selena laughed, "No it's okay! I definitely understand why."

I laughed along with her, "I'll meet you at rehearsal? I want you to meet Tatiana, she's amazing, you'll love her."

"That'd be great," Selena stood up and we walked towards the door, "Lord knows I need friends while I'm on this tour."

"We'll be there for you, you were there for me." I told Selena honestly. I knew something was wrong between Michael and I and she just confirmed it for me.

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