Chapter 24 - Released To The Public

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September 10th, 1987 , Tokyo, Japan
Ariana's POV
After the plane ride that seemed like forever, we finally arrived in Tokyo after eleven hours. Michael didn't speak to me that whole ride, he probably just wanted to give me space and that's exactly what I needed after finding out Selena would be accompanying this tour with us. I don't know how I was going to put up with it.

"You know, I know Michael is in love with you. It's written all over his face," Tatiana told me as she pulled her suitcase out from the carriage above us.

I sighed heavily, "Yeah, he doesn't show it much. He's been sitting with Selena this whole ride instead of trying to work things out. With his girlfriend." I admitted to her, refusing to look behind me where they were sitting. But Tatiana did, she shook her head immediately then met eyes with me. "What if he cheats on me with her, Tat? He's all I have." My voice barely above a whisper, I felt my nose burn and tears trying to brim in my eyes but I quickly blinked them away.

Tatiana gave me a look of sympathy, "Oh Ari, come on. Let's get out of here." Tatiana and I walked towards the exit of the plane before we were greeted by Bill and another security guard.

"I hope your flight went well, Ariana. Where's Michael?" Bill said nicely, searching for Michael over my shoulder.

"Uh, he's-he's-" I stuttered before Tatiana quickly cut me off when she saw I was struggling.

"He's coming right behind us, we'll be in the truck." Tatiana told Bill sweetly before she grabbed my hand and walked us down the planes stairs. Tokyo's air was a bit chilly tonight, causing me to wrap myself tighter in my jacket.

When we reached Bill's truck, I climbed in before Tatiana and took a seat next to the window. This ride was going to be awkward and I knew it, and Tatiana would be in the middle of it. Literally. Shortly after Tatiana climbed in after me, I saw Michael walk down the plane's stairs and Selena following close behind. I couldn't help but scoff to myself and look away from the sight. It hurt me deeply he chose to make this situation worse than it already was. Was it all an act? Did he attempt to heal me and then make it worse in the end?

"You okay?" Tatiana asked me, distracting me from my thoughts.

"Oh um yeah, just thinking." I looked at her, then looked out the window to see Michael and Selena wrapped in a hug. Selena slowly pulled away from him and held onto his hand for a small second before she turned away to walk to her ride. "I can't believe him." I said quietly.

"Do you want me to say anything?" Tatiana asked me.

I shook my head, "No, it's okay. This is his loss."

"Loss?" Tatiana's eyes widened before the truck door opened revealing Michael's face. We stared at each other for a moment before I quickly looked away. I still felt his stare as I looked down at my hands.

"You guys will love the hotel." Michael said, attempting to break the awkward silence.

"Can't wait." I said sarcastically. The air was thick with tension after my last statement. We all sat in silence before Bill hopped in the trucks driver's seat, fastening himself in.

"Certainly is quiet in here." He laughed causing us all to return a fake laugh.

The drive to the hotel was awkward, as I intended. I could feel Michael look over at me a couple times but I refused to return the favor, he needed to know he was wrong and he was doing nothing but hurting me. There was obvious attraction between Michael and Selena. I know Michael well enough to know when he is attracted to other people, because he did the same thing with me. The same looks in his eye, the body language, everything. It broke my heart even more because he knew he was doing it right in front of me.

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