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After breaking the hug Abhay look forward & Saw Vansh.In one moment he's expression got changed.From emotional father to emotionless Businessman.

Abhay & Ariya stand up.Abhay walk towards Vansh (attitude wala walk) & Stand front of Vansh.

Abhay was starring Vansh & Vansh also starring Abhay.Both of them was looking like Possessive Angry Alpha Wolf's.

Vansh(in mind):For the first time in life.I really feeling that someone can give competition and that's you YUVRAJ ABHAY SINGH SISODIYA.
YOUR Aura & attitude is exactly like me.
Normally people get sacred in my one glance.But You have that guts to look into my eyes & Starring me.
You are exactly like's prove that your not only king by your status but by your attitude also

Abhay(in mind):Till now I only heard from people's that's What & Who is VANSH RAI SINGHANIA.Today I see it myself.
Vaise toh just looking in person eyes I get to know what is going in her/his mind.but you are very successfully hide your inner Storm demons from me.

But I don't think I can ever forgive you for things which
you did to my sister.

I don't know what is future and held for us.But about one thing I am very sure that whatever will happen it's going to be really adventurous.
Abhay give him Smirk & Vansh also give him Smirk

(Boys ego and attitude I tell you Guys too drumstick 🙄🙄)

Before anything happened Ariya quickly walk towards them with Arravya.
She hold Abhay's hand & give light pressure in his hand.Then She look at Vansh & With Attitude She give her introduction.



He point towards Siya & Angre.

Vansh:that's my Brother in law Angre & my Young sister siya Rai Singhania.BTW nice to meet to you both.

Saying that he hold Ariya's hand & kiss on it to tease to Abhay.Ariya eyes got big & Siya also watching them with big eyes and open mouth.

but Angre know that Vansh is just teasing Abhay.

But Seeing this Abhay's face got hard & everyone heard his Jaw cracking sounds.

After all he also very very possessive for his wife like Vansh is for Riddhima.Abhay take Ariya's hand from Vansh.

Vansh:Interesting very Interesting.

Ariya to handle situation.She say thank to Vansh.

Ariya:Aa Mr Rai Singhania Thank you so much.

For saving my daughter & take care of her.She told me that how you take care of her.Thank you so much.

Abhay:Yes Mr Rai Singhania Thank you so much for protecting most precious jewel of my life.Thanks

Vansh:don't thanks me.It was my duty as good citizen.

Btw congrats Mr & Mrs Sisodiya for your pregnancy & for Award also.

Abhay:Thanks you also congrats

Ariya:Thanks you & I think we should leave now.I'm not feeling that much good.

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