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i sigh and put on my hoodie, i grabbed my phone and my wallet then went outside to go on the convenience store. i need to calm myself down. i was walking on the cold streets, the night breeze is indeed cold.

a couple of minutes, i reached the convenience store and bought some instant noodles then a cola. i put some hot water on the instant noodles then went on the table outside.

i rested my back on the chair and let out a sigh, i opened the canned cola and took a sip. i raised an eyebrow when i saw someone familiar, approaching towards the store.

she stopped from walking when she saw me, i slowly smiled and waved my hands at her. she let out a sigh again and approached me.

"what a coincidence" i started, she closed her eyes and let out a sigh again.

"why are you even here?" she asked, i chuckled. "to eat, obviously" i answered, she rolled her eyes then was about to walk inside but i stopped her.

"hey where are you going?" i asked, she looked at me with annoyance on her face. she looks cute.

"to get something to eat, what do you expect? i'll stare at you till i starve to death?" she asked, i suddenly laughed loudly, she's fun tho. she then went inside and bought something for her to eat, i was still outside, waiting for my noodles to be cooked.

minutes later, she went back holding a bread, chips, instant noodles and bottled water. she sat infront of me and immediately ate the bread, i think she's feeling really hungry.

"hey slow down!" i warned, she's eating like she didn't eat for days. she obeyed and ate it in a normal speed. both of our noodles are cooked so we ate it up, it's really hot, it's perfect for the cold atmosphere.

"what happened to your cheek?" she asked suddenly as she put down the container, i hummed and shrugged my shoulders.

"it's nothing" i said and continued to eat my noodles but she suddenly held my cheek, my eyes widened. she examined it, it stings and it hurts.

she suddenly stood up and went inside to convenience store to buy some ice and put it on her handkerchief, she handed it to me.

"put it on your cheek, it might have a bruise." she said, i shyly took and obeyed what she said. i didn't expect that she will care, she's caring.

i hissed when the cloth touched my cheek, now i feel the pain, it hurts. she looked at me, i bit my lip and endured the pain. my dad slapped so hard, i didn't feel the pain at first but now, it just hurts like hell.

"you'll be fine" she mumbled and continued to eat, i can't help but to smile. i think we will get along really well if i fix my bitch attitude, that would be great. i'll change myself.


hello, have a great day! how are you?

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