10. Life Hacks

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These are a few life hacks to try and use in your day to day life! Enjoy :)

1. Get rid of pins and needles in your hands by rocking your head from side to side.

2. Mark daily water intake by time, so you can keep track of how much you drink a day.

3. Put little notes and quotes around your room which will help inspire you everyday so you can reach your long term goal!

4. Use hashtags on literally all social media and you'll legit get more views.

5. Do not use your favourite song as your alarm! Otherwise, you'll end up hating it.

6. Have a pair of shoes that are so versatile, that they go with any outfit and are comfortable. So you can quickly throw them on.

7. Can't pick an outfit and your in a hurry? Throw on A nice loose dress. (They come in handy).

8. Putting on lipliner before putting on lipstick helps it last longer, and has more pigmentation!

9. Before, taking the rick of wasting a Polaroid, try taking your desired photo with your phone. Checking the angle and lighting. Then do the same with your Polaroid, and Snap!

10. When you need to sneeze say pineapple over and over until the feeling goes away.

Song of the day: Rhymes- Hannah wants & Chris Lorenzo

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