Toilet Roll Decor: Roomspiration

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This DIY is a great way to recycle the remains of what is used after you get rid of your own waste.

It can be as creative as you want if you use your imagination.

What You'll Need

-Empy toilet roll or paper towel roll

-PVA glue

-Paint (optional)

-Glitter (optional)

1. Flatten the roll and cut into 5 equal parts. Repeat for every roll

2. Lay out your design.

3. Glue your toilet roll cut outs according to your design. Let it dry for 30 minutes.

4. At this point you could spray paint them or paint them before sticking them together if you want proper coverage.

5. Once paint has dried (if added) glitter can be added by applying PVA glue sprinkle the glitter then seal with the PVA or Modge Podge.

Other tips

*Look up designs on google for inspiration.

*Use clothes pins to hold your designs together when laying out your design to dry from glue.

Song of The Day: Genie In A Bottle- Dove Cameron. (Cover of Christina Aguilera)

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Bye xx

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