Make-up Expiration Dates: Save It or Toss It

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This is a guide to tell you when certain cosmetics expire to help you with your health. I took the average amount of time and included effects if not carried out.

I am in not saying you have to toss your make up but this is recommended by many people, dermatologists included.

Brushes♡Clean twice daily

Mascara♡3 months

Liquid Eyeliner♡6 months

Eye Pencil♡1 year

Eyeshadow♡2 years

Foundation♡6-12 months

Blush♡2 years

Lipstick♡2 years

Lipgloss♡1 year

Nail polish♡2 years

Concealer♡6-12 months

Powders♡2 years

What happens if you use make up after expiry date?

I'm sure we all don't want to get rid of make up but, expiry dates for make up help prevent damaging our skin and lets you know when your makeup works less efficiently.

The product consistency changes over time and may dry out, become clumpy and not work well. This applies for all makeup products. Whether organic or not.

Also, certain ingredients like spf may wear away over time, making it less effective. Also, ingredients for acne prevention may not be efficient either.

From the changes you skin may react!
》Irritation can lead to Inflammation

》Contact dermatitis can turn to redness, bumps, a rash, swelling & blisters

》Make up can harbour bacteria causing skin to have acne like bumps

This bacteria growth can cause eye infection and even pink eye.

》Swelling can be caused form lipstick


-I can't stress enough, don't share Make up products! Especially, eye products, brushes & lip products.

-Keep receipts if you need to remember when you buy a product. Tape it to help he bottom of your Make up product.

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