DIY: Butterfly Heart Canvas

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This DIY is cute, and looks like it's store bought! (If you do it right ;) You can personalise it to your liking too.

What you'll need
- Coloured card (Same colour 3 different shades light-dark)



1. Paint your canvas white (if needed) or another colour if you wish

2. Cut out butterflies, of various sizes, from your different coloured cards

3. Lay out the butterflies in a heart shape on your canvas, making sure the colours start from the top as dark to the bottom as light.

4. Stick down your butterflies and hang your canvas on your wall! Or put it on your bedside...

Other tips

*Try painting your canvas ombré and leave the butterflies one colour

*Try adding glitter on top of the butterflies and canvas

*Instead of a heart maybe do an infinity sign

Song of the day: Mowglis road- Marina and The Diamonds

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