DIY Fake Septum Ring

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We've all seen those cute tumblr photos of girls with septum piercings. Since, it's the latest trend and its super edgy why not re-create it. Since, they can be pricey for a little thing. Celebrities like Shah Mitchell, Rihanna, Kat Graham and make-up guru makeupbymandy24!

Let's rock this trend!

What you'll need
-20 Gauge Wire (Silver/Gold):Bead landing
-21.9m Beading Thread (Silver/Gold):Bead landing
-Variety of small beads
-Scissors/Wire cutters

1. Cut of about 1. 5cm-2cm of gauge wire, depending on your nose size.

2. Use the pliers to creat a hook/loop outwards so the wire doesn't dig into your nose. Do this on both ends.

3. Round off the part that will be on show on your septum. The hooks will be facing away from this dip in the middle.

You can have this simple faux piercing or make the design more intricate.

4. Start wrapping the bead thread around the wire ring you made. Do this a few times then add a bead.

5. Wrap the thread again about 1-2 more times round and add another bead. Continue this process till you get to the other side.

6. To finish it off add your last bead and then wind the remaining thread round the hook/loop as tight as possible.

Song of the day: Slave 2 The Rhythm-Michael Jackson

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