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Blaise couldn't go horcrux hunting because his mother always found him when he snuck out

• The many times that he tried, his mother made him tell, and he was running out of excuses

• So he kept track of them using a coin from the D.A that Hermione made him

• Ron and Blaise liked each other at this point but they weren't dating. Blaise wanted to make sure he was safe

• When they get captured at Malfoy manor and Blaise hears, he straight BEGS his mother to let him go

• She knows about Ron but doesn't understand why he wants to put himself in danger

• All of the locket stuff happens and Blaise sees a new side of Ron that makes him fall in love

• Towards the final battle, they start dating

• They don't tell anyone but everyone knew

• Blaise held Ron back from just punching Voldemort in the face

Post Hogwarts

• So first, Blaise can't cook for shit

• So whenever he's feeling especially happy that Ron is returning from an Auror mission, he tries to cook but ends up setting mostly everything on fire

• He tries to ask Draco but Draco is just as useless

• So they call in Pansy who's only managed to cook a grilled cheese

• And they all get the gay sparkle in their eye as they think the same thing

• So now Hermione is baking a cake and cooking chicken while they all stare at her like she sprouted horns

• Once that's finished they all decide to stay at Blaise's place so they all sit down and play games and have a good time

• When Blaise hears the story about "Roonil Wazlib" that's all he calls Ron

• Ron and Blaise totally go muggle shopping together (under the supervision of Harry of course) and fawn over every single thing

• They both have a fascination with the telephone? Like whenever they go over to Hermione's place and the phone rings they're both like *SHOOKETH*

• Blaise is totally the big spoon but Ron refuses to admit it

• They're just super cute and shit and you guys are going to stop judging me


Rating: 9/10

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