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I usually hate non-real ships in Harry Potter, but there's one and only one that I can't tell nothing bad about, it's the Scorbus ship. I think Albus and Scorpius are made to be together and that's why today, I give you 5 reasons to ship Scorbus + a few more reasons!

1. They perfectly fit together.

Who doesn't like the shy X bold couple? Anyone. They'd just be so cute together... What can we hope best?

2. We needed a "bad guy" X "good guy" couple.

And we don't know how the story will end so, better imagine these two end up together, in absence of any Snily, Dramione, or Drarry real couple.

3. Harry Potter needed a gay couple.

Harry Potter is the prejudice-free series, it defies all the society's standards, but there isn't any gay couple? Sorry, I'm not allowing that, we've waited 20 years for a gay couple, now you're doing it J.K, saying that Dumbledore's gay is not sufficient, Fantastic Beasts is your last chance.

4. Because Scorpius X Rose is clearly a lame couple.

Yes, some people (definitely not me) wanted Dramione because Hermione is the intellectual girl, a bookworm, and Draco the Bad guy, because most people want the good girl with the bad guy, but in that case, Scorpius is even more stuck up than Rose! This has no sense!

5. Both are defying all the prejudices.

Yes, they are. They are opposites to their fathers, they are kind Slytherins, they are... Wonderful!

After reading the Cursed Child I immediately starting shipping this. I find them really good together and I really feel like this would work out. I'm torn between shipping Scorose and Scorbus at this point. In The Cursed Child, it was made pretty clear that Scorose wasn't a thing because Rose wanted nothing to do with Scorpius. I guess that's the main reason why I ship Scorbus too. 

Albus and Scorpius are best friends who were both sorted into Slytherin. They became instantly hooked on each other. They made bonds real easily. Sadly, some of their family members didn't approve the friendship. THAT DIDN'T STOP THEM FROM ACCOMPLISHING ULTIMATE LEVELS OF ADORABLENESS!!! I think they secretly had a thing for each other, cuz, cmon... you can't be that cute of friends and expect people not to ship you together! For example...the phantom; Phil Lester and Dan Howell and Destiel (Dean Winchester and Castiel)

To prove my point here's the evidence. >:3

1. Whenever one asks if they're friends, the other responds with "Always" 


3. Albus is normally shy and a big introvert, but around Scorpius, he's alright with being in physical contact with him 

4. They legit say their lives are miserable without the other in it!! 

5. Albus calls Scorpius the best person he knows 


I think no one who shipped Scorpius with anybody won. Even though some Scorose was rushed into the ending, nothing is confirmed. Therefore, the fandom is free to draw their own conclusions until something else pops up. I'll just say this, for those of us who shipped Scorbus, WE WERE FREAKING ROBBED OF PURE HAPPINESS!! :,( The entire book, we were made to think that Scorbus would happen since essentially, that was one of the basic themes of the story, the power of (best) friendship.

Scorbus for the win even though I ship Drarry hardcore! xD

Oh... but there's more. :p

I feel like some things need to be said.First thing's first -- Scorpius's "crush" on Rose Granger-Weasley. I'm not going to deny anything -- I'm not going to say that he wasn't attracted to her, because he obviously was. And I'm not going to say that he is all of a sudden going to realize he has feelings for Albus and stop pursuing Rose, because he's not. At least, not at first.You, see, while I can't deny Scorpius's attraction for Rose, I refuse to allow that to negate the possibility (and likelihood) of Scorbus happening in the future. Because, you know what? While Scorpius may be crushing on Rose, it's quite obvious that he has deeper feelings for Albus, and, crush notwithstanding, would choose him over Rose anytime. I mean, come on -- who did Scorpius think about when he was fighting off the Dementors in the dark timeline? 

My opinion on the Harry Potter ships. ('▽'ʃ♡ƪ)Where stories live. Discover now