Remadora (Tonks x Lupin)

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WHAT CAN I SAY ABOUT THE TRAGEDY OF TONKS AND LUPIN? She was an Auror, the weirdo of the family with purple hair. He was a werewolf. Can I make it any more obvious? They were doomed from the very beginning but refused to give up on each other—swoon-worthy. They both have such big hearts, like to live on the edge, and died tragically at the Battle of Hogwarts. We needed more time with this couple!

The idea of Remus and Tonks together make me happy and anxious at the same time. I adore Remus. His heart is full of kindess and love, and the sad part is that he is willing to give that to everybody else except to himself. He just wouldn't extend his kindness to himself, like he does to others. He is my precious little baby.

Tonks, on the other hand, is happy to the core. She is sure of herself, and yet has a childlike innocence. The problem is we just don't get to see a lot of Tonks. We just don't know her the way we do Remus. And this is why even though the idea of Tonks irrevocably loving Remus warms my heart, I still have my apprehensions about them being together.

I just feel like I don't know Tonks well enough to be comforted by thinking about her with Remus. I just don't feel safe handing over my baby to Tonks, without knowing much about her.

Remus Lupin deserves the world. I am just not sure if Tonks deserves Remus.

Firstly, I know that Lupin and Tonks are canon. I am canon's bitch, and as such, I accept the relationship. It is there, in black and white.

I have nothing against Remus being with Tonks- because man gotta eat, man gotta fish- because hell, you need to take what you can get in this old world, and I think Mr. Lupin knows that more than most. As he says 'I must be grateful' and I think that in his own way, he needs to be.

Now, I have read Lupin/Tonks stories even before HBP came out. I have recc'd Lupin/Tonks before HBP on a Harry Potter board that I used to frequent. 

When I was reading HBP I saw the Lupin/Tonks from a mile off, because no, Tonks could not have been in love with Sirius, Harry, you stupid bint. They are cousins albiet second removed, but close enough for the pairing to have interesting genetic effects on the children were they to go that route. Besides, Blackcest only exists in fanfic. That was a clumsy sleight of hand, Ms. Rowling.

So, what is my problem then, if I don't have anything against the pairing?

I have grevious issues with the way how the pairing was presented. Granted, these are my issues, and I do know that the pairing has caused some divisive arguments in fandom. Now, I may be strongly Remus/Sirius, but I'm not batsh*t crazy. I'm also not one for believing that Remus should journey in this old world alone. Take love where you can get it, old bean.
Love the one you're with, and all those old love songs that have the same cadence.

However, I do think the way how the pairing has been presented in the book for our consumption is problematic and flawed.

The first thing is, it is heavily hinted by the narrator that Tonks' powers are affected by the fact that her love is unrequited. It isn't the 'survivor's guilt' that Hermione helpfully suggests. The fandom builds up an idea around Tonks not having a good time of it because of many reasons, and I wish to discuss them in turn.

1. Her idealism is being battered by the war.

I think it's a good point, but strangely, Ms. Rowling doesn't even hint at that at all. If she had done, I'd have been a happy jazzy. You see, it doesn't take much to make me happy (as and can testify to).

Now, if Rufus Scrimgeour had taken Harry aside (like he did at Christmas and say after Dumbledore's death), and said something along the lines of; 'Harry, the Ministry needs you to align with us as a morale booster. Even the aurors are having a bad time of it, with them doing what is repungant to them and as such, they are questioning their duties.'

I'd have been happy. Those two lines would have made a world of difference in me with what was going on with Tonks. Or, if Harry had eavesdropped on her speaking to Dawlish at the passages in Hogwarts (and why not? Harry eavesdrops everywhere), and if Tonks had said something along the lines of 'No, Dawlish. This is wrong, what we're doing is wrong. We can't be imprisioning innocents, we are no better than the other side!' I'd have been like 'yeah, Tonks I understand.'

2. She's missing Siruis

This point is really moot in my eyes, since Sirius and herself don't even share page space in Order of The Phoenix like herself and Lupin do (in terms of Sirius having to stay inside Grimmauld while Harry has to go back to Hogwarts), and in HBP when Harry tries to reach out to Tonks by saying 'you don't have to be ashamed, I miss Sirius too' she shrugs the comments off. Sirius isn't even a thought in her mind, not at all. If her Patronus had been Padfoot, that would have been a lovely way of honouring a fallen comrade and a family member to boot. It would have also give credence to the fact that she was missing Sirius and in some way, grieving for him (and ergo, survivor's guilt and loss of powers). But she's not. Her patronus is the form of an immense four legged animal, and it is The Wolf (as stated in HBP p. 582, UK Ed.), so yeah, it's all about Lupin there.

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