chapter 9

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After a night of throwing up again, The next morning felt different. Knowing that there was a child growing inside of me showed a mix of emotions. Happiness, Sadness, Shock. But for now what i have to worry about is telling my parents. Which will probably be one of the hardest things ill ever have to do.

But then i had an idea. 

I feel like before i telll my parents, i should tell kim. Shes been through this process, maybe she can help me and talk to me. 

10 AM 

I walked up to kims room, and knocked on the door.

"kim can i talk to you for a second?" i said sounding upset. which i am.

"yeah sure come in kylie" she says smiling at me

"whats wrong??" she says. "you look a little down".

"yeah well to be honest im not the best.." i said.

"ky whats up.. you can tell me anything i wont judge you." kim says placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Okay this is going to be really hard for me to say. But i- Im.." i say, not being able to get the word out. Just the fact that im telling my older sister.. imagine what shes going to think of me.

"youre...? youre what?" kim says thinking she knows what im going to say.

"Im pregnant kim" i say with a disappointed expression on my face.

"What!!??? whos the father?" kim says

"Cody." i say quietly.

"ohhh, have you told him?" she says to me.

"yeah i have, he took it really well. he says he'll be with me the whole way through it." i say with a feint smile.

"okay thats good, and mom and dad?" she says 

"nope, havent told them yet... im scared. the only people ive told are you, Cody and Kendall." I say to kim

"oh who was the first to find out?" kim says curiously.

"I woke up at like three AM yesterday morning throwing up. and kendall came in to help me... and she asked why i was so sick and suggested i was pregnant. so she took me to buy a test and when i took it and it was positive, she was there to comfort me. So i guess the answer to your question would be kendall.. kendall found out first." i said.

"oh okay, well kylie ill be here for you throughout the whole thing, ill show you and help you out on what to do through the pregnancy. now first, have you decided whether you want to keep the baby or not? or do you wanna get an abortion.." she says.

"no, there is no way im getting an abortion, thats taking a baby's life. Im definitley going to keep it. and Cody knows that too." i say to kim.

"okay fair enough. And do you know how hard it is going through a pregnancy? especially at your age? Youll have to quit school for the year, or.. forever. No more going out with your friends once the baby is born. No drinking through the pregnancy no smoking nothing! are you sure youre cut out for this?" kim says nervously.

"Yes i know, im ready" i say.

"now... when are you gonna tell mom and dad.." kim asks

"today.. cody is coming over at 12 to break the news with me.

"okay, what are you gonna tell them though?" kim says.

"well.. the truth.. and just hope for their love and support. i mean im not expecting them to not be disappointed, but hopefully theyll support me." i say.

"okay, kylie i love you. i dont want to see you grow up too fast.." kim says to me

"i know, it was a silly mistake, i was drunk at a party.." i say to her. 

"okay well its almost 12 cody should be here soon, go back to your room and freshen up" she says.

"yeah i will thanks kim, love you" i say walking out.

12 PM

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