Chapter 1

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I got out of the shower and went to my bedroom, to pick out my outfit, and do my make up. All of my family say it that I am the queen when it comes to make up. Which I am, not to be a show off but I haven't met anyone who's does their make up as well as me. I never used to wear much make up. But I got a lot of hate when I was younger about how thin my lips were, and it really bothered me. So I started to fill them in! And it looks so much better, but everyone reckons I got lip injections so now I get even more hate...

"KYLEEE! Where'd you put the mascara???!" Said Kendall.

"Chill out Ken, it's right here im using it..." I said.

"Oh alright, hey Kylie?" Kendall said.

"Yahhhhh" I said.

"You know you can tell me anything right?" She said

"yeah ken I know that you've told me that so many times!" I said.

"Uh okay fine, but still. Just know that I'm you're best friend and you can open up to me" she said.

Soon after, we were done with our make up and I just straightened my freshly dyed bIue hairrrrr! I was so happy to get that done. I reckon it suits me so much. Anyway it's time for the meet and greet.

The drive there was silent. But it was a comfortable silence. Not one of those awkward situations where it's just too silent. I'm very keen to see all the people at the meet and greet! I heard that singer, Cody Simpson was going to be there? Oh gosh he's so cute. The car stopped and we got out and walked into the place where all the fans were, followed by heaps of security guards.

As soon as I walked through the door I could see all the camera flashes and all of the fans screaming my name, it was scary, but quite flattering at the same time. I was walking down the carpet and a gorgeous looking boy catches my eye. There he was, The Cody Simpson. Those gorgeous blue eyes, nice flowey blonde hair. Uh oh, I think he noticed me staring, quickly turning my eyes away.

I walked off to greet some fans.

"Kylie?" I heard a voice say, I turn around as it was only Kendall.

"What?" I said in a pissed off voice.

"Come with me! There's someone I want you to meet." She says as she grabs my hand.


I see Kendall Jenner walking towards me with this beautiful girl walking next to her. I'm fairly sure it's her sister but wasn't 100%.

"Hey Cody!" Kendall said pulling me into a hug.

"Oh hey Kendall! Good to see Ya" I said hugging her back

"Cody this is Kylie by the way, she's my sister haha" I said.

"Oh yeah I thought you looked familiar, I'm Cody" I said as I out my hand out to shake hers.

"Hey Cody nice to meet you!" Kylie said shaking his hand back.

"Hey Kylie I'll be back a little later I need to go meet some fans, how about you walk with Cody?" Kendall said nudging Kylie.

"Uh o-Okay?" She said quickly.

"Good see Ya later then! Ciao my lovelys" she said blowing a kiss as she walked away.

This left me and Kylie in a moment of silence, only this time, it wasn't a comfortable silence, it was completely and untterly awkward.

"So Kylie" I said awkwardly.

"Yes?" Kylie said back

"You wanna walk and meet some fans with me?" I said putting out my hand.

"Sure thing" She said giggling, and taking my hand back.

After meeting a few fans, me and Kylie went and sat on a couch, God she was beautiful. I can't stop looking at her. She's gorgeous. My moment of thinking about her was interrupted as Kendall walks up to the both of us.

"Hey Kylie there's an after party now you wanna come with me?" Kendall said.

"Yeah sure! I'm hell keen, let's go!" She said getting up.

"Hey Cody do you wanna come with us?" Kylie said to me.

She's asking me, go on Cody say yes!

"Uh yeah sure lets go" I said getting up off the couch.

We got in the car and drove to the house the party was at.

Living the life of Kylie Jenner. (Cute Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now