Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

        My eyes opened slowly, trying to remember why I had taken a nap in the first place. Normally, I hate naps, but then I stood straight up when I realized. Tonight was the Late Night Prime! I ran to nearest clock, and almost died when I saw the time. 10:48pm. The party is about to start! I scrambled to my room, and put on something nicer than beige pants and a tee shirt. I grabbed my white button up shirt, and put a black tie with it. Along with some black jeans, because going to a strip club and being too fancy seems just too much. I ran to the bathroom, combed my blond hair to it's side, and put some breath freshener in my mouth. 

        With one last glance at my bathroom mirror, I rushed to the garage and started the small car. I checked my pocket to see if my phone and wallet was inside, and sighed with relief when I felt the two items bulging out of the black denim. I backed out of the small garage, closing the large door, and drove quickly to the strip club. The car clock was slowly ticking, the time being 10:55pm when I was at the last stop light. I could see the vivid neon lights of the club just down the road, and I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting for the damn red light to turn green. 

        Once it had finally changed colors, I drove down the road, and parked in the same spot as before. I fixed my tie before pushing my way through the double doors, and the sound of loud music and the cheers of men and woman alike filled my ears. The first thing I spotted was the bar, which was filled with people requesting alcohol. I turned to the right, and saw the strippers dancing. But to my dismay, Ryan wasn't there. Neither was any of the people I had saw on the website earlier today. Confused, I squeezed past some people to get to the long bar. 

        I was about to ask for a cocktail, but then the music suddenly stopped and a loud siren rang through the large room. People cheered, as a large board behind the stage came out, flashing the numbers 11:00pm. I smiled, mentally cheering that I had made it on time.  The strippers who were previously dancing left, one with a blow kiss to one guy in the crowd. Disco lights started to zoom across the stage and surrounding area. Cheers blasted with the music, as the next dancers entered the stage. First Red, then Scott, then the beauty of it all.


        The crowd cheered when the feminine boy entered, and he bowed. The three strippers went to their designated poles, each dancing simultaneously. The techno music boomed through the building, the people jumping and clapping with the beat. I turned back to the bar, and asked a women named Ziegs for a cocktail. She mixed the alcoholic drinks together with ease, putting a little orange umbrella in the pinkish drink.

        I grabbed my drink, and went to an empty table. I watched the mesmerizing dance the famous stripper did, and took small sips of the fruity beverage. The disco lights shined down on the dancers, as they all then did their own thing. I didn't pay attention to the other two, however, and just stared at the one in the middle. Ryan, if only I could get to know you better. 

        A small tap on my shoulder snapped me out of my trance, and I looked to see who touched me. It was a man, seeming to be in his early twenties, with rusty brown hair. Dark eyes bored into mine, as he asked,

        "May I sit here?" The man gestured to the chair on the opposite side of the circular table, and I hurriedly nodded. I gave one last look at the man, before drawing my attention back to the dancers. "Heh, I see you like the main guy." The rusty haired man spoke, and I sighed, 

        "Is it really that obvious?" 

        "Yeah dude, you are like hypnotized when you look at him." I turned to the man, who stuck his hand out, "My name is Mad, and you?" 

        "Felix." I shook his hand, and he took a swig of beer. I was about to ask if his real name was Mad, but then remembered Cry, and how he liked his privacy. So I let him go. 

        "So do you come here often, Felix?" Mad asked, and I shook my head,

        "I just started coming. One of my friends told me about this place, so I just decided see what this was about yesterday." I spoke, and he laughed,

        "Already addicted to this place?" I looked down, holding back a small smile. 

        "Yeah, I guess." I chuckled, looking back at Mad. "So do you come here a lot?" I shot back the question, and he wiped his mouth before saying,

        "Yeah, I come here every Saturday. You know, for the little extravaganza." He answered, gesturing to the large timer behind the dancers. A sudden smirk appeared on the mans face, as he drew his full attention to me. To be honest, it was pretty uncomfortable. His gaze was all over me, and his eyes seemed cloudy. 

        "Do I have something on my face?"  I started rubbing my hands on my face, hoping to get something off. Though I knew there was nothing there. 

        "Oh no, just thinking." Mad said, his voice started getting more slurred, and he continued to stare. I felt awkward having this guy looking at me, when the main focus point is in front of us. He took one last gulp of his alcohol, before getting up and standing in my view. 

        "What do you say, I show you around this place?" He held out his hand, a smirk playing on his face. I looked up at Mad, thinking about the request, before taking his hand. He yanked me forward, making me collide with his chest. I felt my face burn, as he pulled himself away and started leading me to the back of the room. 

        "Where are you taking me?" I asked, but he didn't respond. The only thing he did was chuckle, before stopping in front of a metal door. Mad pushed it open, and I was suddenly yanked outside. The previously loud music was now muffled, as the taller man pinned me against the brick wall.

        "This is what I call, my special place." Mad whispered in my ear, his voice low and seductive. I gulped, as he licked my ear. A shudder ran down my spine, as I tried to get out of his grip. His grip only became tighter however, and Mad growled in my ear, "Now don't try anything funny." A loud laugh came from Mad, as his hand started roaming my chest. 

        I struggled again, feeling exposed and uncomfortable. I was about to scream out, but then a hand covered my mouth. Tears started to trick in the corners of my, Mad started to fumble with my black jeans. 

        But then a loud smack erupted, and the feeling of pressure on my disappeared. I opened my eyes, to see Mad on the ground, covering his head. 

        "Are you okay?!" A voice called out, and I almost collapsed when I saw who it was, holding a wood plank in his hand. 



Love in a Strip Club: PewdiecryWhere stories live. Discover now