Chapter 11

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I'm going to be nice this Easter, and give you a little gift. Another chapter!!! Hope you enjoy ;)

Cry/Ryan's Pov-

I stared at the message, the information about the party. What could I do to make Felix not come? I mean, I can't just pop over to his house and be like 'Hey the party is cancelled' or whatever, because to him I wasn't even invited. I scanned through my contacts, seeing no one online. Not even Felix. What if I called Pewds over Skype, and told him it was canclled? No, that wouldn't work because he would ask Ken what the deal was, which would get me busted. That reminds me...

As soon as Minx get's online, I will rat her out. Unless....she did tell Ken to not invite him, but yet he did anyway. Well, thank god I was there to see Ken invite him, or I might have showed up and Felix would have as well...and things would get really fucking awkward.

A pop up notification appeared on the lower right of my screen, the words 'Insane Lesbian is now online' showed. Minx. I typed in the chat,

Cry: We need to talk.

Insane Lesbian: Aw, Cry-chan I told you I wasn't out drinking. Ya gots to believe me!

I snickered. But then made a pokerface, remembering the situation.

Insane Lesiban: Pwes, don't tell me we're breaking up!

Cry: Minx this is serious.

Insane Lesbian: KK?

I manouvered the pointer on the screen to the call button, the fimiliar jingle of Skype ringing in my ears. Minx picked up on the second ring.

"What's up Cry?"


"I TOLD KEN TO NOT INVITE HIM!" She screeched back, a loud sigh coming from the female.

"But then why did he?"

"He what?"

"Why did Ken go personally to Felix's home, and invite him?"

"How do you know this?" Minx questioned. I paused, thinking of an excuse,

"He called and told me about it." Minx didn't reply. But then after a few seconds, the female spoke,

"Well shit. But I still don't understand the big deal with Pewds not coming."

"I really don't feel comfortable telling." I confessed, leaning back in my chair.

"Cry, do you like Felix? Is that why you don't want him to come?" I choked,

"No, no no no no I don't like Felix like that...besides...if I did wouldn't I want him to come?"

"Well I wouldn't know. When I first met Krism I didn't want to be around her at all because of my feelings towards her." There was a pause; an awkward silence. "Well what are we going to do? I can't just cancel the party. We got lots of people coming, some even flying over to Flordia right at this moment."

"I'll find a way to not get Felix to come." I suggested, the words slipping out of my mouth.

"Okay." There was a shout coming from Minx's end, "Cry I gotta go. Krism is trying to get me to watch a show she's really into. Good luck dude." Minx hung up, leaving me in the silence of my apartment. I recollencted my thoughts. What am I going to do? I have a week to make Felix not come, that should be enough time for him to be sidetracked from the party.

But my thoughts were interuppted again by another call. From the person I really don't want to talk to right now.


I answered hesitently.

"Hi Cry, guess what?" His words were fast, excited.

"What?" I already knew what he was going to say, but I need to cover up my identity.

"I got invited to this party that Ken and Minx are hosting! Are you going?"

"Y-yeah, I am." I regret saying that already.

"Sweet! I can't wait to see you in person for once!" My heart dropped. That damn Ken. I would never want Felix to know all the dirty things I had done to him! He would probably reveal me and my job to the whole internet! We wouldn't be friends anymore...

"Cry? Cry? You there?" Felix called out, snapping me from my trance.

"Uh, Pewds, I gotta go." I tried to cover my nervousness, my anxiety, but I failed horribly.

"Is something up bro?" the swede questioned,

"N-no, it's fine. I'll see ya around."

"Okay...bye bro." I dropped from the call, taking deep gasps for air. I didn't even realize I was holding my breath the entire time. I need a plan, and fast.

But then I got an idea.

A bad idea.

But I knew there was no other way.

There is only one person I know who could stop him.

And I wish it didn't have to go to this, but I can't reveal myself to Felix. I can't. I don't want to put our friendship at risk.

I got up, turning off the computer. Walking out of my room and out of my apartment, I went to my car. There I gave a loud sigh, before turning the engine and driving through the bad part of town. A lump grew in my throat as I approched the fimiliar area of town. This part was worse than where I lived. Thugs, theifs, and most likely murderers resided here, but this was really the once rational way to make Felix not show up. I don't want to ruin our friendship, our relationship. Like I said before, I can't just not show up. All the other workers at the strip club are there, so he would be bound to find out!

I stopped in front of an alleyway, a wave of nistalgia hit me as I exited the car, looking into the dimly lit gap. I tried to look for the man I was seeking, but his voice stopped my searching.

"Heh, I knew you would come crawling back to me." a rough voice spoke, the voice of a man I wished I  would have never met. "I hope you know, smacking me in the head with a wood plank isn't going to kill me."

The fimiliar dark haired man pulled out the ciggarette from his mouth, blowing out the smoke before smirking. I spoke,

"Mad....I need your help."  


Love in a Strip Club: PewdiecryWhere stories live. Discover now