Hey guys

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(Sorry if this is lack luster, I am writing it on my phone)
Guess I have some explaining to do, don't I?

Some things have happened in my life as of recently, such as transferring to a new school and dealing with the death of a few family members. I know most won't really care about my personal life, so I'll just cut it short.

I have a really, really, really, really stupid reason as to why I am not probably going to continue this story.

It's just that I am, well, bored, to be frank. Bored of writing this, bored of well, the pewdiecry fandom. I don't mean this in a bad way, not at all actually. It's mainly my fault for not keeping up with Cry and Pewdie on their channels, so I really have no clue as to what has been going on in either of those fandoms (though I heard a lot of shit has been happening to the Cry fandom as of late?).

Plus, I may or may not have gotten wrapped up into a different fandom and have devoted my life to it since late July. If anyone has heard of the show/manga Fullmetal Alchemist, that's the fandom that has taken my by the arms and dragged me down into its depths of shipping hell.

Anyway, the real reason I wanted to make this was to tell everyone who had read this story, including you, that you are the best. No, really! I have made many great friends during my short journey through creating this piece, and you guys have just made me so happy with myself and my writing, that I don't think that just saying thank you will be doing you guys justice.

I have tried to work on the next chapter, I really and truly have. I would write a sentence, then my mind would just deflate. You feel? It sucks because I really want to please you peeps, and give you what you ask for. Plus I don't want to be one of those guys who just abandons their stories (but I think I already am one).

If anyone wants to hear about where I was originally going with this story, you can ask and I will try to tell as much as I can remember. It's the least i can do to thank you guys for sticking with me during this.

I don't really know what to do with this account, I believe I will just leave it around incase I do update this once again (which is possible, don't get me wrong). You peeps can still talk to me whenever as well, I am always up to make new friends.

Again, thank you guys. Hey, maybe I will come back to this fandom sometime, you never know.

(I want to give a shout out to KoroRii for being one of my biggest motivations while creating this as well, you're awesome fam!)

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