Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

-Cry/Ryan's pov-

Mad turned to me, a devilish smile plastered on his face. He grabbed the cigarette and smushed with his foot. "I'm suddenly interested," He chucked. My stomach dropped at that laugh, but I tried to keep my composure. "What do you need help with?" 

"It's with Felix." I spoke. 

"Oh, that blonde bitch?" 

"He is not a bitch!" I defended Felix, and Mad only smiled,

"What'd he do?" Mad asked, crossing his arms. I bit my lip, tasting blood before speaking, 

"He was invited to a party." 

"That's it? Really? Wow, that's a stupid reason to come all the way to me for." 

"No Mad, you don't understand! All the workers at the strip club are going, and if Felix comes then he will find out our secret!" 

"Really Ryan, it doesn't seem that bad." He leaned in close, breath smelling like tobacco,"Besides, he must like you if he came to the strip club more than once." I took a step back from the taller individual. 

"Yes, but it could jeopardize our future if he found out!" Mad took another step forward, causing my back to smack against the brick wall behind me. 

"Well, if you two even have a future, he would have to find out eventually, right?" The evil individual spoke, closing in on me. I felt a gulp grow in my throat, as I started to cower to the stronger man.  I thought about his words. It is true, Felix would find out eventually, but not now. I hate being in awkward situations, and that whole thing would be one. 

"But I want to break the new's to him later, when I trust him more." Mad seemed to consider my claim, but only moved closer to my face. I looked away, hearing a faint growl erupt from the scary male. My body started to shake, I could feel his presence starting to over come mine. It was an old trick I was taught a long while ago, learned by this man himself. He was trying to make sure I knew he was dominate, and I could not fight back. But luckily Snake taught me a few things to defend myself. 

When Mad started to press his body against mine, I raised my hand and jabbed it into the side of his neck, then kneed him in the gut. A loud groan came from the man, as he stumbled back, clutching his stomach. 

"Damn, who taught you that, slut?" 

"A person who care's about me. Not someone like you." I tried to not be too harsh, only doing that to keep him away from me. I needed him, I can't afford to get him to not help me. The dark brunette regained his composure, before leaning against the opposite wall and crossing his arms. His eyes darted back to mine. My heart skipped a beat at the sudden stare, before the man spoke, 

"What's the plan?" His voice was low. He wasn't happy with the outcome I gave him. His tone said it all. The words he spoke flowed through my head, then I realized I really didn't have a plan. I never really considered getting this far. I stumbled for words, but only said, 

"I don't know. Just make it so Felix can't come to the party, okay?" Mad only smirked, but I interrupted his thoughts, "don't hurt him, or I swear to god I will fucking murder you." 

"Yeah, yeah yeah whatever." The man walked back up to me. He just doesn't fucking stop. He slammed his hand beside the side of my face, clashing with the wall I am leaning on. He leaned his face towards my ear, "but what do I get in return?" I shoved the man back lightly, getting fed up with his attempts to get my dick. 

I couldn't think of anything. Maybe a free lap dance? Free drinks at the club? No, Snake and the others wouldn't want me to just throw around the word free. Plus Mad would get them anyway just by intimidation. My lack of words must have annoyed the stronger man, because he said,

"how about we have a fun night? Just the two of us." He gave me a sickening wink. Well, just one night wouldn't be so bad, right? I mean, I have done it with other guys before... but Mad is the most kinky....who knows what perverted thoughts are in that thick skull of his. 

"Fine." The words slipped out of my mouth before I could fully think of the right answer, but Mad's smirk grew into a sinister grin. 

"Okay, I get Felix not to come to the party or whatever, and when you come back the next night I expect you at my place, yeah?"

"Whatever." I started to walk back to my used car, a low chuckle emerging from Mad. A shiver glided down my back when I opened the door, giving Mad one last glace. He was twirling around a pocket knife, giving me the 'if not I will torture you to death' look. I nervously fumbled with the keys, turning the engine and getting the hell out of there.

As soon as I was back in the nicer part of town, a sudden weight was relieved off my chest. I noticed that the whole time I was with Mad, I could barely breathe. Then again, that whole part of town smelled of drugs and death. Not to mention his piercing gaze that just seemed to cut your soul in half, then slowly and painfully sow it back together. 

I turned into the parking lot of my apartment, the sun setting into a orange glow. The tree's swayed to the rhythm of the breezes that flew over the landscape. Once I exited my car, the scent of the flowers decorating around the apartment flooded my nose. 

But as I was walking to my apartment, my phone buzzed in my coat pocket. Grabbing the device, I looked at the caller ID. It was Snake.

"Yeah, what's up buddy?"

"It is nothing serious, we just need you at the club till ten. One of the guys had a family emergency." My boss told, and I could only huff as I walked back into my car's direction. At least I already have all my things in there.

"Yeah, i'll be there. Just give me like, five minutes."

"Good, cya then." Then Snake hung up, giving me the chance to regret not eating anything since breakfast. Might as well swing by a joint or something.

But yet, I still get a strange feeling that something horrible is going to happen. I can't put my finger on it, but I may need to keep an eye on Mad...

Love in a Strip Club: PewdiecryWhere stories live. Discover now