Chapter 17

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I don't even know.

-Ryan/Cry's pov-

My eye's cracked open to an unfamiliar room. White walls with a window to the side of a blue bed? Defiantly not my apartment. My mind scrambled for an answer to the question that bugged in my head, but then memories from yesterday flooded in my head. My eye's widened. Oh shit, what did I do? Great job me, now Felix really can't go to that party thing at all. How awkward would that be. I mean yeah, I will wear a mask and shit, but I think he has played enough games to connect the dots with all the other workers being there too. I'm just surprised that he hasn't been suspicious of myself.

I felt a strong arm pull me close. I turned my head slightly to see a blond swede resting peacefully. Behind him was a digital clock, bright letters on it flashing the numbers 5:37 am. I shifted slightly, grabbing the arm that was around me gently and pulled it off slowly and gingerly. A short movement from the other caused me to stop moving for a second before the man turned around, back facing me. I sighed quietly in relief, pulling my nude body out of the warm covers and to the cool temperature of the room. A clock ticked in the background, and a faint dog barking from outside brought my mind to ease.

I scanned the room floor for my clothing items. When I found them in a small clutter, I quickly slipped them on. My eyes glanced back at Felix. His blond hair was swept onto his face, clutching a pillow that was close to him. My hands recollected in my hoodie pocket. A hard object was there as well, and when I pulled it out I sighed of relief. It was my phone. I looked at the swede once more, leaning against the wall and scrolling through my notifications. Nothing important so far, but man did I have a lot. Lots of it was by Twitter and some from Tumblr, people liking and reblogging my stuff mainly.

But at the end of the list, there was a message. From an unknown number as well. I swiped open my phone, looking back at Felix, before reading the message.

Hope you're ready for our fun night, Ryan. I got everything set out for the plan. All you need to do is bring Felix to the city park on the day of your little party, got it? Oh, and don't ask how I got your number. Let's just say, I have a few friends. -MAD

My eyes darted through the text over and over again. The city park on the day of the party, huh. Well how am I even going to get him to the park without it seeming suspicious. I dropped my hand with the phone resting in it, placing it comfortably back into my hoodie pocket. I stared at pewdie for a bit longer, his legs twitching here and there in his sleep. A small smile grew on my face, though I had a small amount of regret still placed upon my heart from last night. He just, needed someone to love him at that moment. And hell, so did I. At least I wasn't a fucking Ken...


I tensed at the thought. The guy me and Felix would play with, hang out with (online of course), about to go to the party with...almost raped my lover. A tear of frustration slipped down my cheek. That's it. I am done with that son of a bitch. My hand gripped the door knob, opening it slowly and quietly. My feet stepped forward onto the hardwood floor of the hallway. I left the door a crack open, and made my way to the living room kitchen combo. There, I saw the same mountain of used tissues under the coffee table, and the house being a complete mess.

I ran my hand through my hair, a stiff yawn falling from my lips. My mind scrambled for an idea to get Felix to the park without it seeming suspicious. I mean, I could just ask, but I also need to get to that party. Do I really want to though? I pondered for a moment. No, to be honest, I really don't. But then again, it would be great to see Minx and some other people I know again.

So if I were to bring Felix to the park, how would I leave? I mean, I could lie and say "well there is this big thing going on at the park today," but knowing the swede, he would look it up to make sure. Which would get me on the 'do not trust' list.

My eyes stared at the couch, the empty tissue box, and my shoes by the door. I still remember vividly how Felix told me what happened. How much pain and betrayal was in his eyes. How much he hated Ken. My jaw clenched at the name. Fucking Ken! Why does he have to ruin everything! My hands balled to fists, one hand wrapping around my phone and squeezing the device.

Then an idea popped into my head, one that made a small, evil smirk to grow upon my stressed lips. I pulled my phone from the pocket. I quickly typed my password. The first thing that popped up was that message from Mad. My fingers danced across the digital keyboard, eyes darting left and right to the desired keys.

But as I was typing, I got a message from Scott. My phone vibrated from the notification, and I clicked on the message.

hey, can you take my place from 1-3pm? I got a small family issue currently, and everyone else is taking the day off. -Scott

I smiled lightly, before agreeing to take his time. I mean, more cash for me, am I right? I hit send, then shifted back to the original text I wanted to send. I wrote what I thought, no second thoughts, and that smile still grew on my face. When I was done, I hit send.

Behind me I wrote a small note to Felix, telling him that I would be gone and that he can call me anytime. I left a small kiss on the bottom of the note, before turning towards the door and leaving for my home and to my job. While leaving the door, I recited what I said to Mad.

Change of plans. I don't want you going after Felix. Instead, go after one of the hosts of the party. His name is Ken Morrison. And I don't care at all what you do to him. I think you can figure out the rest of the details. Do your worst. -Ryan.

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