Chapter 8

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-Ryan/Cry's pov-

I said my goodbyes to Snake, still feeling the burning on my cheeks from earlier. I mean, goddamn it Snake, I was about to get Felix to kiss me than bam, you show up. But then again, it would get kinda awkward if we did kiss...okay thanks for the help Snake.

As soon as I opened to heavy door to the outside, me and Felix retracted from the burning sunlight that gave me a headache. Felix groaned in disapproval, and my vision was weird from the sudden light change. I could feel Felix grip onto my arm as I slowly walked to my somewhat old car. Only a few automobiles where in the parking lot, unlike before where the whole area was packed.

Opening the grey, passenger side car door, Iet Felix inside while I walked around to the other side, and put my seat belt on. As soon as I started the car, the disney soundtrack I was listening to started playing. And you know what song started playing? A whole new world from Alladin. I tried to hold back a laugh, seeing Felix look at me questionably. I only shrugged, and started singing along. Felix laughed, and did the same. Before we knew it, the song became a duet of us, and once it ended Felix had a large smile on his face.

"I love that song," The blonde stated, seeming more relaxed than before. I stopped at a red light, before asking,

"What makes that song so significant?" I turned to the man beside me, and he sighed a happy sigh,

"Me and one of my old friends used to sing that song as a duet, just like what we were doing." His answer almost made my heart stop. Shit, if he was smart enough he could figure out who I am. A lump grew in my throat, before questioning,

"Well, who's that friend?" I couldn't help the nervousness that seemed to be tangled in my words.

"Oh, his name is Cry." Felix answered nonchalantly. I tried to think of how a person who is not me would react, then I spoke,
"Cry? Why is his name Cry?," I inhaled, "does he cry a lot?" God, I hate it when people ask me if I cry a lot, and it hurts just to say it.
"heh only when playing the Walking dead." he replied with a snicker. I smiled at the comment. "So I am guessing you will need some help with getting to my home?" The blonde inquired, and I stated,

"Yeah, I am not entirely sure where Elk street is, just that it is this way."

"How did you know I live on Elk Street?" Felix jumped, and I laughed,

"I have my ways, Felix." My voice went low, like in the Cry Reads. I saw goosebumps grow up his arm, before stuttering,

"Okay, that's a little creepy." I giggled at the comment, before asking him to give me better directions. He told me left, right, or straight, and I obeyed. Soon, we were in front of a small, two story tan house, with two small trees in the front. "Well, this is it." Felix jumped out of the car once I drove up the driveway. I waved goodbye to my friend, watching him as he entered the red oak door, and drove to my house. Surprisingly, I didn't even realize that Elk street was only about six blocks away from my street. Man, I really need to explore my neighborhood more.

Stopping in front of my slightly larger house, I was greeted by my tabby cat, who jumped on the light stand right next to the front door. I patted his head, hearing a low purr come from the domesticated feline. Turning into the main living room, I plopped down on the couch. I haven't gone to sleep since yesterday. Or two days ago? I don't know what the whole night time system is like. My eyes suddenly felt heavy, but my stomach also craved something to eat.

"Goddamn it body, make up your mind." I mumbled, before walking into the kitchen and grabbed a oat bar. After I threw away the plastic wrapper, I shoved it down my throat, slugged to my bedroom, and flopped down on the bed. As soon as I made contact with the comfortable sheets, I was drifted into sleep.

A loud sound awoke me from my uneventful slumber, and I groggily yelled,

"Fuck off."  That's when I realized that it was my skype, which was across from my bed. That's when I pulled the pillow over my face and yelled louder, "I swear to god you stupid computer you better fucking shut the fuck up." The computer when silence to my liking, but then went off again right when I was about to fall asleep again. I irritatingly got off my comfortable bed, and was about to press no on the request call until I saw who it was from.


I haven't talked to that girl in a long time, not after she got married to Krism. I pulled out my swivel chair, sat down, and answered the call after clearing my throat. Minx spoke first,

"Hey Cry, sorry if I interrupted something you were doing," She apologized, but replied,

"It's fine Minx. What have you been up too? Why did you call?"

"Well, I wanted to see if you wanted to come over for a little party me and Ken are going to host. After all, I am visiting Florida and Ken is also." What a coincidence. Both of my old friends are visiting my home state.

"Why are you guys in Flordia?"

"Well, I am here for vacation. After all, it is getting cold in England. I am not sure why Ken is here though, never bothered to ask."

"So who is all coming to the party?" I asked, leaning back in my chair. By now I was fully awake, hearing my cat mewl outside my door. I ignored the feline.

"I believe Scott, Russ, Red, Cheyenne, Scott, Ken, Me, Krism, you and Felix. Though I haven't asked Felix yet." I almost wanted to die when I heard his name come up. What if he found out?

"Don't invite Felix!" I protested, and Minx seemed shocked by my statement.

"But isn't he your best friend?" She questioned.

"Yes, but right now I don't want him there," She didn't seem to like the answer. "I'll tell you why later, okay? Just promise me you wont bring him." I started to plea, and the Britain only sighed,

"Okay, I will tell Ken as well to not invite Felix. But I require an explanation when you get there!" She confirmed, before sending me the address and ending the call. I felt a sigh come out of my chest, relieved that Felix wouldn't come. I mean, I could just not show up, but most of the workers at the strip club are also going, and if he recognized them, then I would be in deep shit.

Love in a Strip Club: PewdiecryWhere stories live. Discover now