Chapter 6

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-Ryan/Cry's pov-

        The backroom was chaotic, as it always was every Saturday. Staff were setting up the lights and other effects without the people already here noticing, and my other friends were getting themselves ready for the show. I sat on a chest that was filled with who knows what, watching Red chat with Scott as if there was no tomorrow. I smiled, remembering Pewds. I wonder if he will be here tonight, better keep a look out for him. A small tap on my shoulder caught me out of my small trance, and I looked up to see who it was that called for my attention. The large figure of Snake loomed above me, his light brown stubble looking grey in the light. His brown eyes were hard on me, but a smile was plastered on his face.

        "I expect great things Ryan. I hope you make this a great show, and not screw up like last time." His low and raspy voice spoke, and I nodded at the memory of a random guy making me fall over. Ah, the best part was when I kicked him in the face. I really hope someone was recording that. I chucked, and Snake eyed me suspiciously, but didn't say anything as he walked over to Red and Scott.

         I looked at the timer, and saw that there was only two minutes left. I got up, and went to the bathroom to check myself in the mirror. Everything seems alright. I went back to the other two strippers, who were chatting with one another. I was about to join in on the conversation, but then the familiar siren rang through the club. Cheers emerged from the crowd outside of the curtains, and the previous dancers exited the stage. One tapped my shoulder, giving me a glance before I walked up the stairs to the stage behind Scott.

        More pleased screams came from the people as we walked on, and we went to our designated poles. I was in the center, seeing some people crowding around my area. I hopped onto the metal pole, ready to start our groups routine. First a swirl, then a drop but before falling on the ground pull yourself back to the top of the pole, and spin down with one leg poked out. I memorized the sequence many times, practicing in my own home with the pole that was in the basement.

        As I was doing the dance, I saw a familiar figure sitting at one of the tables. His blond hair was neatly combed, as he sipped on a cocktail. Felix. I smiled, and I started to do my own thing after the song was finished. He just stared at me, and I felt kinda embarrassed to have my internet friend look at me doing a seducing dance. But then again, he doesn't know what I look like, or my name. Remembering that, I stared back at him. But while I was looking, a man I hate so much appeared. Mad. He sat across from Felix, at his table. They seemed to just be chatting normally, and I sighed of relief when I saw that Mad wasn't making any moves onto my dear friend.

        But then Felix started to get flustered, and Mad looked at him weirdly. It made me sick to see Mad preying on an innocent man. I wanted to just stop what I was doing and punch Mad in the face for making Felix uncomfortable, but then Snakes voice appeared in my head. "don't screw up like last time.". I grumbled to myself, as I climbed to the top of the pole and threw my head back as I slide back down. Money was thrown at my feet, as I flipped myself upside down and climbed up the pole. Spreading my legs, I grabbed the pole, let go with my hands, and twisted downwards.

        I looked back at Felix, but did not see him at his table. Anxiety coursed through me, as I looked toward the back exit. There I saw Mad, leading a confused Felix outside. Anger bubbled inside me, as I remembered the last time Mad led someone outside. I looked at the bar, hoping one of my bartender friends would chase after the two. After all, they know what Mad does to people. But my friends were too busy to notice the two leave.

        You know what? Fuck it. I sprinted off the stage, hearing some confused people question what was going on, as I pulled on my coat in a quick fashion and ran out the exit backstage. Beside the door was a wooden plank and I grabbed it, knowing it was the only good weapon around here. I turned the corner, and saw Mad pinning Felix to the wall of the building. A small whimper came from my dear friend, and that was what set me off the edge.

        I scilently crept behind the person I hate so much, and did the most rational thing I could think of. I smacked him in the back of the head with the wooden plank in my hand, hearing the wood crack from the impact. The dark haired male dropped to the ground, blood oozing from the wound as he clutched his head. I turned to Felix, and asked,

        "Are you okay?!" Panic was laced in my voice. He seemed about ready to collapse, so I ran up to him and put his arm around my shoulder. I stepped on Mad's stomach, as I brought Felix back inside. He tried to walk, but kept loosing his footing. I felt bad for the guy, him just starting to come to my workplace, then almost getting raped by that bastard.

        As soon as I stepped inside, I was met up with a pissed off Snake. His arms were crossed, and his foot tapped impationatly.

        "What was that Ryan? You just left the stage, and made some people leave!" His voice was deep and cold, but his gaze softened when he was the man on my shoulder.

        "Mad." That's all I stated, before setting Felix down on the couch in the backroom, checking his forehead. It was hot, but not extreamly. Snake understood what I ment, and came by me as well, holding an aid-kit.         

        "T-thank you..." Felix wimpered, tears threatening to fall. One trickled down his cheek, and I brushed it off with my thumb. His eyes then shut. His breathing went back to normal, and I layed him on the couch.

        "You go back on stage, I'll look after him." Snake informed, and I nodded. Walking up the stairs, and climbing back on stage, and hearing the loud cheers of the people as I came out.

Love in a Strip Club: PewdiecryWhere stories live. Discover now