Chapter 18

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"For acting like cheapskates to get a good budget for Prom, this looks pretty good," I commented from where I stood in the middle of the gym and looked around at the decorations being set up.

Rosie and her friends were standing on ladders, hanging up streamers, and laughing at Olympia's terrified face every time Spencer accidentally wiggled the ladder she was standing on. We managed to get roughly fifty students to volunteer. The football coach forced his players to help set up since they got out of certain classes ahead of their game tonight.

"I swear to all things holy, I will kick your ass if you don't stop throwing the goddamn curtains around!" My voice projected across the entire gym, causing everyone to at least glance over to see what I was talking about.

Three football players were bundling up the fabrics we were going to drape along the entrance and any other doors and were throwing them back and forth.

I strutted over to them, clipboard in hand and a scowl on my face, "If those even have a slight wrinkle, I will make you iron them for the rest of the day, don't mess with me." They nodded their heads and unfolded them slowly to carry them across to the main entrance.

"Peyton, how are those balloons coming?" I asked but no reply came. I twisted on my heel. She stood there with a half-inflated balloon in her hand and a terrified look in her eyes.

Grayson stood next to her, his own balloon completely deflated. My lips were in a tight line. Grayson cleared his throat, "We're about halfway." His voice was high-pitched and squeaky from the helium. Students around the gym laughed and Peyton laughed too, it was also high-pitched and squeaky.

"If you use up all that helium and I have to go get more, you're paying for it," I told him, gripping the clipboard so hard I wasn't concerned about snapping it in half at that moment. "Rosie!" She squinted at me from on top of the ladder. "A little to the left," I grinned when she flipped me off in reply. She frowned at the streamers and eventually moved her hand that had the streamer in it an inch to the left.

"Miss Hayes," Grayson announced. I flipped through some papers, ignoring the deep voice now next to me.

"If you're done wasting our helium then go help your buddies with the tables and chairs over there," I pointed towards the stage without looking up from the clipboard.

He chuckled, dipping his head until it was right by the clipboard. "Come on, it was fun."

"I don't have time for fun, I have work to do," I snapped, turning my body away from him. "Jerrika, I want that list of food and drinks finished before two so I can go over it with you."

"Wear my jersey, tonight," Grayson blurted from a few feet away. My eyes snapped to his face. "My football one, wear it tonight. For the game."

I furrowed my brows. "Are you ready for something like that? We've been together for a week, less than and we're not even going to Homecoming together," I stated. We had decided to forgo raising questions from our social circles by not mentioning what had happened at the wedding until we had sorted out what we actually were. No point in adding fuel to the fire in case the whole thing burns to the ground.

He shook his head, letting his brown hair fall into his face. "You're right, it's stupid."

I smiled slowly, fighting the urge to grab his hand in front of the whole gym. "It's not stupid, I just want us to be sure about us before the tabloids call," I teased with a wink.

He smirked. "Always covering her bases, huh?"

I gave him a flirty smile back, "Maybe I'll let you cover some of those bases later." He sucked in a breath and I chuckled quietly.

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