Chapter 43

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Funny story. I have major bruising around my right hand and can't move my index finger and my 'fuck you' finger very much from the strain and get this, typing on my laptop too much... only me I swear. They're saying it could be early arthritis.

Currently, I have to wear one of those wrist guards and can barely lift or open things anymore because it hurts so damn much...

So yay for me.

Either way, enjoy!

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"Whatcha doing?" SJ asked in a cute voice as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders from behind. Dana blew her an air kiss and continued stealing bites out of her lunch that was resting on her lap under the table.

I tilted my head to look up at her from where I was sitting at my desk in the library. "Just college stuff," I answered nonchalantly. "What are you doing here?"

She walked around the table and sat down across from me, perpendicular to Dana, and slammed her backpack on the table, kicking her feet up. "I finished my lunch early and decided to come to see what was more important than my presence, turns out nothing is more important than my presence so here I am." She raised her hands in the air and rested them behind her back.

I gave her a flat stare. Dana snorted. "I'm so honored," I said sarcastically.

"Dana, my love, you like having me around don't you?" SJ asked with a pout, fluttering her eyes at Dana.

Dana quickly chewed the rest of the food and grinned. "It's my favorite part of the day, SJ," she drawled, sending her a wink and pushed her food away, turning back to her laptop.

SJ sighed loudly. "You too? Weren't college application deadlines in November?"

I scrolled through some pages. "For California colleges, yes, not the Ivy Leagues, they were due on your birthday," I said absentmindedly, my voice drifting.

"Oh damn, you're shooting for the gold, huh? Well then, if they were due over a week ago, what are you doing?"

"Scrolling through my bank statements to see how broke I am after paying the college application fees like the stupid responsible person I am," Dana grumbled, glaring at her laptop screen. I paused to watch her stare longingly at the dollars lost.

SJ chuckled and threw out her hand for Dana to grab. Dana sniffled and gripped her hand tightly. I rolled my eyes at their dramatics.

"I'm going through the applications to see what I could have changed," I answered SJ's original question.

A soft gasp left Dana's mouth. "Oh Honey no," she dragged out the last word with furrowed eyebrows.

"That's literally the worst thing you could do, your brain is going to fry." SJ sat forward in her seat, dropping her feet to the floor, and placed her hand on the back of my laptop, shutting it.

I managed to pull back my fingers just in time to stop them from getting squashed. "Bitch," I hissed.

SJ stood up, a mischievous glint in her eye. "And don't you forget it." She winked. "Come on, let's go."

Dana looked down at her salad and then back up at SJ. "Lunch isn't over yet."

"Let's go get lunch off-campus," SJ said with a wave of her hand.

I shook my head once. "Not gonna happen," I dismissed. She sighed and rested a hand on the back of the chair she had been sitting on. "Lunch ends in five minutes, I'm not risking detention."

"Live a little, Hayes," SJ teased with a smirk.

I looked up at her, making eye contact. "No." SJ reared back, shocked that her tease hadn't worked for her.

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