Chapter 7

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Hey Everyone!

As per usual, I will reply to any comment posted within the next 48hrs, I love seeing all of your reactions!


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Friday morning started as a nightmare. My alarm didn't go off, leaving me having to get ready in less than twenty minutes if I wanted to make it to school on time. The coffee pot was still piping hot which meant my parents knew I wasn't downstairs at my usual time or they genuinely forgot they had a child still in the house. Could be either of those if we're being honest.

Traffic had gathered on the main road by the time I drove out the residential roads and onto the main one. I cursed loudly, knowing no one could hear me. "The light is green, go you fucking moron!"

My throat was tight when I got to school in fear of me being late. And that's when the rain started. No students were milling around the parking lot and I was forced to park towards the back. I wasn't one to run towards anything of little importance to me so to have me fast walking into the school building, to onlookers it was to avoid getting soaked through from the rain but to me, I was dreading missing homeroom. The last thing I needed was a tardy on my perfect record.

The late bell rang through the school as I stepped into the school. I screamed through clenched teeth barely emitting any noise. My hair was plastered to my face and my clothes were stuck to my figure and leaving droplets across the linoleum floor.

The first classroom door opened and I schooled my expression and walked to the reception desk to sign myself in as late. Nobody paid any attention to the soaking wet rat girl walking down the hallway and the ones that did quickly moved out of my way from the seething expression on my face.

To ensure that this day could go worse, Rosie didn't show up to school today to hand in the budget report for the Homecoming dance after I had promised them to Miss Tandy first thing Monday morning. Now I won't have a chance to go through them to make sure that there aren't any mistakes or miscalculations before I hand them over.

The only person brave enough to approach me throughout the day was Grayson when he cornered me when I walked out of the library towards the end of lunch.

"Munchkin you weren't in the cafeteria, I figured you'd be drowning yourself in books," he joked, pointing out my still damp appearance.

I curled my lip. "Not in the mood today."

He pushed off the wall he was leaning on and stepped into my path. "Come on, everyone gets a little water on them,  be glad you still look hot."

I glanced down at my wrinkled shirt and patted my frizzy hair. "Oh yeah, a real prized look. Boys are drooling as we speak."

He smirked, "I know I am." He even made an effort to wipe the side of his mouth. I ambled around him but he gently grabbed my arm. "I noticed your dragon-breath outburst earlier this morning. Here," he placed a cupcake in my palm.

I stared at it with a slightly nervous look. "What did you do to it?"

He rolled his eyes and swiped a piece of chocolate frosting off the top and stuck it in his mouth. "See, edible, and delicious."

"I don't eat cupcakes, they're really no good for you," I started slowly, still confused.

He swiped another piece and held it in front of me. He plopped a small blob on my nose and I reeled backward in shock. Grayson chuckled, "Everyone deserves a cupcake after a bad day, even you."

His eyes were teasing me. I felt a jolt of confidence and grabbed his hand. And licked the frosting off his finger in one stroke. His smile dropped completely and his pupils dilated in less than a spilt second. His mouth was slightly agape as he watched in fascination.

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