Chapter 9

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Who's ready for the Hayes Siblings??

As per usual, I will reply to any comment posted within the week!

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It was Friday afternoon, exactly one week and a day before Sophie and Cole's wedding. I was stuck at school while some of my siblings were already at the house. Sebastian and Olivia's flight had gotten in earlier in the day and both my parents had taken the day off so that they would be home. They wouldn't let me stay home from school though because apparently 'school is important' and so is my education.

Sophie and Cole were already at the house since they got in early this morning but then had to run to a million different meetings for the wedding next Saturday. Harry and Alexis were supposed to arrive around the time I was in my last class of the day and Charlotte and Jackson flights had just landed at the start of lunch. And as per usual, no one had any idea when Tessa was showing up.

"Is it weird that I'm excited yet also dreading this?" I asked Natasha in the cafeteria during lunch.

She shrugged, "I mean yes and no. On the yes, it's your family and you haven't seen them in forever, and on the no, it's your family and you haven't seen them in forever."

I gave her a flat stare and said sarcastically, "Wow, thank you for that help."

Dana twisted in her chair and faced us. "It makes sense Maddie. You're not as close to them so the initial hellos may be a little awkward but your family is so cool in general that I'm sure it'll be just like old times before you know it."

"Thank you, Dana," I emphasized, pointedly looking at Natasha who grinned and waved her hand dismissively.

"Are we going to William's party tonight?" Gabriella sat down, her lunch tray slamming on the table. "A bunch of people asked me if we were going."

Natasha looked at me and I glanced at Dana, who was already looking at me. Guess I'm the deciding vote. "I'll only be able to get there at like ten tonight since my family's probably going out for dinner."

Natasha clapped her hands. "Settled, we'll meet you there at ten then." The rest of the girls nodded in agreement.

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There were multiple cars parked in our driveway as I drove up to the house. My spot was taken so I just parked behind them, blocking them in. I climbed out of the car and took my time grabbing my bag and binder.

I couldn't hear anything from inside which is strange because my family is terrible at keeping a leveled volume when we're all together.

I unlocked the front door and pushed my way in. "I'm home-"


"-Aunty Maddie!" Three little screams echoed through the foyer before I was attacked by little humans.

"Ah!" I managed to yell out before I was on the ground. Three little faces were staring at me with hands behind their backs, the look of innocence after pushing me over.

Logan was the first one to jump into my arms and I cuddled him to my chest. Lizzy and Valentina were next to join in. I hugged each of them, kissing their faces until Valentina literally grabbed my lips to stop me.

"Valley what did I tell you? If you aim lower, it gets them on the ground faster," A deep voice scolded the youngest one with an amused lilt to his voice.

Valentina pouted her lips. "Sorry, daddy." She had just turned three this past summer but she was already so articulate.

Sebastian picked her up and pressed a kiss to her chubby cheek. "Don't apologize, bubs, you'll get 'em next time. When Aunty Tess gets here." She squealed and wrapped her arms around his neck.

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