Chapter 25

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That feeling when you come up with a story idea and the next thing you know, you're obsessed!! Big moves coming!!

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"-Originally the song was about his ex-girlfriend but then his current girlfriend got involved and now it's a whole thing on Twitter and I don't know whose side I'm on if I'm being honest. What do you think Grandma?" Abigail, my twenty-one-year-old cousin, asked while some of us helped set things out in the kitchen on Thanksgiving Day.

Grandma Vicky stared blankly at Abigail. "Sweetheart, I'm going to lie to you, I have no idea what you're saying to me right now."

She huffed and turned back to the green beans. I leaned over and whispered, "I'm on the ex-girlfriends side."

Abigail gasped and nodded her head rapidly. Abigail and I had been tasked to help get some of the dishes finished for Grandma Vicky. My mother and Aunt Jenna were sitting in the living room having already cracked open the second bottle of wine and it was only barely passing two in the afternoon.

Grandma Vicky preferred to make it a Thanksgiving Dinner and less of an afternoon lunch. Charlotte and Jackson were walking around the neighborhood while dad, Johnathan and Uncle Ian were watching football in the basement where Grandpa Joe used to do most of his sport watching. This is going to be the third Thanksgiving without him.

Josh, Abigail's twelve year-old brother, was sitting in the Dining room, sorting out all the cutlery.

"So, Maddie, how's the hottie from the wedding?" Abigail asked, shimmying her shoulders giving me a sly smile.

My tongue ran along the top of my teeth and I put all my focus on placing the boiled potatoes into the pot to mash. "He's uh, he's good."

"I'm sure he's great after that kiss," Grandma Vicky mumbled as she walked past.

My jaw dropped and I stared at her. "Grandma!"

She tutted and threw the dishcloth over her shoulder. "Sweetheart, I may be old but I am not blind."

Abigail laughed and lifted a hand for Grandma Vicky to high five. "Are you dating?"

I bit my lip and tilted my head to the side. "We're taking it slow."

"Who's taking what slow?" Harry asked, stepping into the kitchen with a relaxed smile on his face and rosy cheeks from the cold outside. "Hi Grandma," he said, leaning over and kissing her cheek. She patted his back softly before moving back to the oven.

"Maddie and her booyfriend," Abigail teased, swaying her lanky body. I gave her a flat stare.

Harry's head snapped to me. "You and Grayson made it the real deal?" He asked curiously. I shrugged and watched him come closer to hug me. "Good, take it slow, see how it goes." He smiled, moving over to hug Abigail.

I leaned against the counter. "I didn't expect to see you so calm about a boy before."

He leaned against the other counter. "What can I say, I'm maturing."

"No he's not, he spent the whole car ride threatening nothing but the air around him," Alexis stated giving her husband a knowing look before coming over to hug me tightly. "Grayson's super cute though, so good job." She winked when I pulled away.

I could hear the twins running around the living room talking to mom and Aunt Jenna. Harry gave his wife a blank look. "Don't throw me under the bus like that, Lex, and I am maturing because I did all the threatening before I saw her." He glanced over at me with a stern expression. "Just make sure all the doors are open when he's around."

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