Chapter 3

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The next morning was awkward and silent at the breakfast table. Talking was at an all time minimal, which most of the time was welcomed when it wasn't paired with lingering disappointment from my parents.

They hadn't said a word since I entered the kitchen and I didn't go out of my way to start a conversation either. Ellie, my old nanny turned housekeeper, stood at the stovetop, making breakfast for everyone but even her cheery attitude didn't help the tension around us.

I completely bypassed the food laid out at my usual seat at the kitchen table and just grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl, mumbling about how I'm going to be late to school if I didn't hurry. My father nodded his head without a word and my mother didn't look up from the papers in front of her. Ellie looked back and forth between us and I subtly shook my head. She pursed her lips but didn't say anything as I left the house as fast as I could.

The school bell rang as soon as I stepped out of my car. "Shit," I mumbled and grabbed my bag, fast-walking into school and straight to homeroom. I didn't talk or greet anyone on my way to and from classes as I silently prepared myself for what I had to do at lunch today. Thankfully, I didn't have classes with any of my inner circle friends so I didn't have to explain myself to them about my behavior. Not that I actually give a fuck what they think.

Lunch rolled around and I forced a smile on my face as I walked through the crowds of students who were grabbing their lunches and saving seats for their friends. I scanned the cafeteria, looked over Natasha and the rest of my circle, ignoring their expectant gazes from the center table in the room and locked my eyes onto a group of rowdy boys a few tables away.

Percy waved from the opposite direction, gesturing for me to come sit next to him so I brushed my hair over my shoulder and ignored him, walking the other way.

"Hey Munchkin," Grayson grinned from his seat at the table I paused at.

The flirty smirk on my face was genuine. "Gray, lovely to see you as always," I greeted him with a wink and sat as far away from him as possible.

He gestured to the seat I just sat in, "Please, join us."

I placed my bag on the floor next to my feet. "I already did."

He grinned, biting his bottom lip. "What brings you here?" he asked curiously, leaning over the table towards me.

"Nothing to do with you," I replied, looking around the crowded cafeteria. Natasha stared at me with an unreadable look. I motioned for her to just wait for me.

"Ouch," Frank Linton sat down across from me, chuckling. "Hey Maddie, how're you doing?" he winked at me, licking his lower lip. It took all of my being to not to curl my lip in disgust.

"Better than you, Frankie," I reached into my handbag and slid a beige folder over to him. I happily leaned an elbow on the table and propped my chin up on my hand.

He looked at me questioningly but picked up the folder, opening it carelessly. Grayson leaned closer to grab the folder but I smacked his hand away 'tsking' him. He raised a sly eyebrow, grinning at me. I puckered my lips, sending him an air kiss. He pretended to catch it, slipping it in his shirt.

Frank's jaw went slack as his mind processed what he was seeing. He looked up sharply and I waved with an innocent grin on my face. He ruffled through the rest of the papers, making sure to keep them close to his chest so that his friends couldn't see them. "How did you get these?"

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