Chapter 33

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I know I said I wasn't going to post another chapter this weekend but I was way too excited for this one and I've been working on it all day!!

As per usual I will comment on every comment posted within the next update. I really wanna see your comments for this one because this chapter is honestly one of my favorites!!!


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Driving for over two hours in a car with Izzy is extremely taxing on someone's mental health. I had picked her up bright and early at six in the morning with SJ asleep in the backseat. She had slept over at my house last night, which my mom loved because this was the first friend that had slept over -besides Grayson- in at least a year and Alexis had left that afternoon to get back home to Harry and the kids.

She had ordered way too much junk food for our sleepover and reveled in the fact that we could eat in the living room again because dad was only flying home on Monday night.

I figured out halfway through the night that SJ actually suffered from insomnia so every time I woke up to change positions, she was sitting against the headboard watching movies on her phone with earbuds in.

She fell asleep as soon as Izzy climbed in the passenger seat and SJ took the back and laid out. We went through a drive-thru for a quick breakfast but I didn't want to wake her up so I just ordered her a cream cheese bagel.

"Have you spoken to Isaac?" Izzy asked softly, respecting SJ's snore-fest in the backseat. Izzy's short legs were stretched out in front of her and her hands were resting comfortably on her stomach.

Her hair was in a simple ponytail and she opted to wear pants and a long-sleeve blue and white striped t-shirt with her long black puffer coat over it. The weather didn't call for a coat like that but Izzy felt the chill easier than I did due to her age.

I nodded my head, keeping my eyes on the road. "Yes, he said that I need to park in front of the Sproul Cove dorms and he'll take it from there." His words were vague and frustrating but I knew that I could trust him.

Izzy said nothing and only sipped her hot coffee in response.

The campus was huge, with tan brick buildings everywhere. It was a Saturday so there weren't many cars around the campus but the closer I got to the dorms section of the school, the cars had started filling up the parking slots.

I managed to snag a spot close to the building Isaac informed me he would be standing in front of. I leaned over the backseat and tapped SJ's arm that was resting on the floor. Her body jerked and she sat up quickly, blinking through sleep.

"What'd I miss?" She asked slowly, running a hand over her face. I jerked my head in the direction of our surroundings and she looked out the window.

Izzy unbuckled her seat belt and announced, "Let's go ruin some lives," before opening her car door. She then realized that I would have to help her out of the car so she glanced back over to me impatiently.

I quickly climbed out of the car and walked around the front and let Izzy lean on my shoulder to get out of her seat. SJ sluggishly stepped out of the car and leaned against the car, stretching her arms above her head.

She slipped a pair of black sunglasses over her eyes to block out the bright sun. The weather here was a lot warmer than in Northlake so I left my coat in the car. SJ was wearing a loose crop top that was covered in intentional paint splashes and her regular black ripped skinny jeans with her combat boots and a hoodie that she had just tied around her waist.

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