Chapter 39

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Hi Babes!

I started doing some more Instagram stories with questions and polls etc and it was a lot of fun, let me know if you guys have any ideas for polls and questions!

As per usual, I will reply to any comment posted within the next update!


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My stomach was still rolling uncomfortably a few hours later as Dana and I drove through Grayson's neighborhood. We had dropped off SJ at her apartment building fifteen minutes ago and had picked up some coffee before heading in Grayson's direction. I hadn't texted him all morning so I wasn't even sure if he was functioning yet.

Dana was hyperventilating from the passenger seat. "Oh my god I can't believe we're doing this," she moaned, leaning her head back as her breath quickened.

I spared her a glance. "You are not doing anything, I am the one that is confronting him, you can sit in the car and meditate or something," I offered, gesturing to her frantic state. We stopped at a stop sign and I turned to face her. "What happened to badass Dana that was standing up for herself, huh?" I asked with a smirk.

She rolled her eyes and sat up straighter in her seat and suddenly the panting had stopped. I grinned. I turned into his driveway and noted four cars including his and Rosie's. We sat in the car for a second while I mentally prepared myself for what I was going to say.

"How do you want to play this? Do you-do you want me to stand behind you or just stay away?" She asked slowly, chewing on her bottom lip as she watched the front door like it would open any second.

I sighed and looked over at her. "Maybe stay by the car, I would rather keep the conversation private." I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the car door.

She followed suit. "Smart," she muttered, stepping out of the car and leaning against it.

The urge to laugh at her relaxed posture after her freakout was difficult but with the real problem on hold, it wasn't impossible to ignore. I strolled up the steps to his doubt wrought iron front door and knocked hard.

Patiently I waited for the sound of footsteps from inside, not once turning back to Dana to keep that feeling of confidence over what was going to happen next.

Was I nervous? Of course. Was I going to kick his ass? Maybe. But was I scared? No.

After what felt like hours, clicks sounded from inside and someone pulled the door open. Rosie stood in front of me in a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. Her red hair was shoved into a messy bun and smudges from last night's makeup tracked around her eyes.

"Where is he?" I asked in a stern tone, not in the mood for chitchat.

One solid eyebrow raise was her only response.

"Your brother, is he here?" My eyes flicked over her shoulder and I didn't see any movements in that general area.

A smirk tugged at her lips. "What did he do?"

I kept my face still, showing no expression at all. She shrugged, turned away, and clicked a button that was in the wall next to the door. It had multiple buttons and a speaker above it. "Gray, someone's here for you," she said in a sing-song voice before releasing the button and leaning against the threshold with a smile.

Less than a minute later I heard him rushing down the stairs. "Who is it?" I heard him whisper as his steps got closer.

Rosie just pushed the door open all the way, revealing me standing there with a blank face. He was wearing a pair of black sweatpants and the pale pink hoodie from Madeline's Bakery that I had given him after Thanksgiving.

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