Chapter 15

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As per usual, I will reply to everyone's comments posted until Saturday!! I'm gonna need to see major comments on this chapter...for certain reasons, you'll know when you know

Also, I hoped you've realized at this point why Grayson calls her's because that is her family nickname and the whole family used to call her that when she was little and he heard it and used it! :)

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"So I'm holding the camera in the passenger seat and she's busy speeding out of the Game Reserve in her tiny rental car and we have this lion chasing us," my twenty-one-year-old cousin, Abigail raved, waving her arms around dramatically.

My elbow was placed on the table and my chin was resting in my hand while I listened to Abigail's story about her trip to South Africa with one of her friends.

Aunt Jenna stared at her daughter with her mouth open, "You know what, I don't even wanna know anymore, I'm out." She held up a peace sign and walked over to where my parents and her husband, Uncle Ian, were sitting.

Everyone around the table burst out laughing. We were all very tipsy by now. The whole table except Courtney had the drinks flowing through the night before food was even served, but that was okay since we had Olivia's snack stash to dig into when the food had been devoured.

We were the best table at the wedding reception. We were even beating out the main table that had the wedding party including both sets of parents.

We all pouted over Sophie and Cole's first dance as a married couple to Love Someone by Lukas Graham. Most of the women in the room teared up again, watching Cole sing the words to Sophie quietly in the middle of the dance floor. Sophie had tears streaming down her face by the end of the song.

Charlotte Maid of Honor's speech was adorable, she spoke about Sophie growing up and how Cole had always been a major part of her life whether or not anyone was aware of it. Sebastian's speech was less emotional more cringe-worthy. It got so bad that Cole was ready to rush up to the podium and rip the microphone from his Best Man's hand and hit him with it. But he saved himself when he spoke about how they were two of his favorite people in the world. His best friend and his literal other half. And once he started crying it set off all the women in the room.

I laughed at Harry making fun of Sebastian's speech and Abigail fighting with both of them about the size of the lioness that had chased her. Jackson and Nathan were talking about something that I couldn't hear but the relaxed smiles and laughter radiating off of them made Charlotte breathe a sigh of relief.

Olivia on the other hand had to be physically restrained by Tessa from 'accidentally' dropping her drink on Nathan's lap. Seems as though one person is still bitter about their best friend's relationship.

I glanced at Grayson who was already staring at me with a small smile on his face. I leaned back in my seat. "Having fun?"

He closed the distance between our chairs, resting his hand on the back of mine. "Your cousin has some insane stories."

I chuckled tilting my head closer to his. "That's what happens when you're cool and decide to travel for two years instead of going to college."

A head popped in between our faces and we both surged in opposite directions. "What's happening here, huh?" Sebastian asked, placing a possessive hand on the back of my chair.

I rolled my eyes, "Go away, Bass." Harry hadn't even noticed the proximity between Grayson and me, he was too busy staring at his wife with a loved up expression on his face.

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