Chapter 14

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So I'm curious, how did you find my stories? Did you find JMYN first and continued or did you find one of the others first??

As per usual I will reply to any comment that is posted until the next update!!


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The church was extraordinary. It was a narrow space with a set of pews on either side of the center aisle. There was a red carpet on the floor leading all the way up to the large white marble altar. There were three wooden chairs sitting behind the altar, cushioned in red velvet material that matched the carpet. Behind the chairs was this breathtaking stained glass window that depicted Jesus on the cross.

Cole's family were staunch Catholics and insisted on them getting married in a church, something that my parents weren't too thrilled on since they didn't really raise us in a specific religion. We had honestly only gone to church for the occasional holiday service and that's where it ended. Sophie was completely fine with it, she was also fine with signing a document saying she would baptize any children she had with Cole under the Catholic religion too.

Sophie loved her flower arrangements, that was no secret. Especially since every single row of pews had a pale blue and white bouquet of assorted flowers tied to the sides. Pale blue ribbon graced the entire hall in random arches and some were even scaling to the ceiling. It was breathtaking to look at.

I nodded my head to a few guests, keeping my eyes peeled for anyone I was remotely comfortable around. My mother was with Sophie and my father was with the boys, helping them all get ready.

People were milling around the aisle or they were wandering around admiring the décor. My grandparents on my fathers side waved me over but I pretended not to see them and faced the opposite direction. They were the worst people to be around and my family usually steered clear of them at family events. They were only invited out of courtesy at this point, along with my father's twin sister, Aunt Ingrid, who was the most bland person to ever walk the earth.

My fathers parents made sure to leave a wide berth around Alexis and Harry, considering the mouth off they had with Alexis when Harry announced they were engaged. Let's just say that I had never been more terrified of sweet, gentle Alexis in all my life except for that moment.

They had a really obvious distaste for people of races different to their own and we only invite them to the most important of events after 4th of July a couple years ago when Olivia's grandmother, Izzy, schooled them into silence after they had passed comments about Olivia's Hispanic heritage. Most of us pretend they don't exist anymore but I can see the strain on my father who just wants his parents to be a part of his life even now.

A low short note whistle filled the air and I twisted on my heel, my red dress flaring around my ankles and saw Grayson standing at the end of the aisle. He was wearing a noticeably expensive dark grey suit with a skinny red tie that matched my dress.

The dress was a little too risky for a church but I had ensured that all the important assets had been sufficiently covered up going as far as altering it so that slits on both thighs were slightly longer and the bust was a little more covered than originally. I wasn't about to give my family a heart attack from my appearance today.

Grayson had bugged me the whole day yesterday, demanding what color dress I was wearing so that we didn't look like complete 'unmatching morons' were his exact words. I finally caved in before I climbed into my car after school, a smirk on my face as I drove away.

His jaw was slightly open as he stared at me in the middle of the aisle. A blush creeped on my face and I ducked my head, silently cursing myself for being stumped by his stare. I threw back my shoulders and slowly strutted up the aisle until I was standing in front of him.

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