Ups & Downs

860 45 6

warning for violence.


Resu was mostly expecting her transition into the track team to not go well. After all, she was 5'11" and not the most pleasant person to be around. Although the team was apprehensive of her, she began to gradually settle in.

In the past, she had generally ignored her team. When she had been appointed as the ace, Resu felt like all the focus should be on her. She didn't like relying on others to succeed.

Her view of this changed as she spent time with the volleyball team. The sports were completely different, and yet the recipe for success was the same. Teamwork. The word used to leave a bitter taste in her mouth.

Now, she was more open to the idea. Resu found herself working harder than she ever had, her drive elevated by the support of her teammates. It felt like she finally had a purpose.

Off the track, the girls on the team were a bit of a mixed bag. A majority of them were frightened or intimidated by her. As time passed, a few of them realized that Resu wasn't exactly the big, bad wolf people made her out to be.

In one instance, a first-year named Yui had twisted her ankle while they were out practicing. Resu was ahead of her, but once she heard the girl's cry of pain, she immediately stopped and turned back. At the sight of her approaching, Yui flinched away, expecting for the older girl to snap at her for getting injured. Instead, Resu gently lifted her up and carried her all the way back to the nurse's office. She waited patiently as Yui got treated while texting their coach the details of what happened.

"W-Why did you help me?" Yui asked, her eyes wide.

"What was I supposed to do, leave you there?" Resu replied indignantly with a roll of her eyes.

Yui's eyes sparkled and her face flushed.

Since that event, some of the first year girls started to trail behind her like lost puppies. Several gifts and letters began piling up in her locker to the point that she could barely close it. Resu was oddly flattered, though she could do without the teasing from Nishinoya and Tanaka.

Speaking of the volleyball club, she did begin to see less of them. Their schedules often conflicted, but they would stop in to visit the other's practice every now and then. Although Resu was always welcome in the boys' gym, the other girls on the track team usually didn't appreciate the drooling stares from her two second year friends.

The girls were kinder to Asahi, once they got past the rumors about him. They flocked around him, asking questions about whether they were true, how he was so tall, why did he look so old, etc. Resu felt an unpleasant feeling boiling in the pit of her stomach and she watched them with a glare. Nishinoya laughed beside her as she tied her shoes rather tightly.

"What's so funny?" She demanded.

"Oh, nothing," Nishinoya said in a sing-song tone. "I just think it's funny seeing you, of all people, jealous."

Veins popped on her forehead. Resu grabbed Nishinoya by the shirt collar as Tanaka attempted to cool her down.

"I am not jealous," she growled dangerously.

"Are too."

"Am not!"


"AM! NOT!"

Thankfully before things could escalate, Resu and her teammates were called away by her coach. She made various threatening gestures towards Nishinoya as she begrudgingly backed off. Asahi was confused when he joined his two friends as they left.

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