Better Left Unsaid

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Warning for depictions of violence and abuse near the end.


Golden Week passed by rather quickly and the volleyball club already found themselves on the fourth day of their practices. They had been training non-stop, day and night, to make sure they were ready for the match tomorrow.

As per usual, the boys were jogging on their morning run. They passed by the familiar landmarks they had learned to recognize over the week, the scenery generally quiet and peaceful.

There was a small flower shop they went by that was always full of bright and colorful plants which emitted a sweet scent. Usually there was no one there, but today a girl was outside, watering the flowers. Her long hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she was wearing a hat shielding her face from the harsh sunlight. She knelt down and began checking the plants carefully.

"Good morning!" Sugawara called out pleasantly as the team ran by.

"Ah, good morning," the girl replied, tilting her head up slightly to look at them.

The boys immediately skid to a stop and turned around slowly. The girl was now frozen in place, her hands gripping her watering can rather tightly. She stood up stiffly before booking it into the small shop, slamming the door behind her.

"Was that...?"

"I'm pretty sure it was..."

The door opened once more and a large, friendly looking woman came out with the girl trailing behind her with a sour expression.

"Ne, Resu, aren't they the volleyball club you're always talking about? You should be happy to see them!" The woman said loudly, beaming at them.

"Please don't repeat what I say in private conversations Saito-san," Resu huffed, glaring at Nishinoya and Tanaka as they struggled not to break down laughing.

"What are you boys doing around here anyways? I've seen you running by for the past couple days," Saito-san asked curiously.

"We're staying in an inn nearby for Golden Week," Daichi explained with a smile.

"Oooh, that sounds fun! Why aren't you staying with them, Resu?"

"I'm not exactly in their club," Resu replied quietly.

"Hmm, but I do remember us inviting you to stay, but you said you had to visit your sick uncle all week," Ennoshita pointed out, feigning innocence as Resu hissed at him.

Saito-san looked confused. "But Resu doesn't have any family members besides her siblings..." She paused before gasping and hitting Resu in the arm, at which the girl flinched. "Resu! Did you lie to them?"

Resu hung her head with a grunted "yes" and Saito-san looked at her, clearly disappointed.

"Well, I'm ordering you to go stay with them. You can have the rest of the day and tomorrow off so you can enjoy yourself for once."

Resu opened her mouth to argue, but instead she smirked slyly.

"Oh, but I don't have any extra clothes with me. What a shame," she sighed, pretending to wipe away a fake tear.

"I know you always bring an extra change of clothes with you for after work. Plus, I think you still have some here from when you stay over. I'll go get them!" Saito-san said triumphantly before hurrying to the house next to the shop, leaving Resu with an arm outstretched so as to stop her. She turned to the boys with a blank gaze.

"If one of you ends up dead in that inn I will gladly admit I am the murderer."

"Why do you always make such a big deal out of things?" Tsukishima questioned with Yamaguchi snickering at her by his side. Resu was about to snap out a reply but was interrupted as Saito-san returned, handing her a pink bag with cats all over it.

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