Intimidation At Its Finest

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 It was normal for Resu to be up at five A.M., stretching before she embarked on her morning jog. Since the school was much larger than Karasuno was, she had no problem reaching the limit she wanted within the school grounds. The tall girl chugged down water, wiping the spare droplets from her mouth.

Ah... I need to make sure I don't get dehydrated, she thought dryly, since I've been crying so damn much.

Resu silently reminded herself to keep a watch on the waterworks. She didn't need anybody thinking she was, well, over emotional. Usually she was able to keep that side of her under wraps, but considering the stress that she had experienced recently it was understandable that she was feeling a little teary-eyed.

She stretched her arms above her head with a yawn. It was around six now she guessed, as the sun was almost high in the sky. Resu returned to the school to take a shower before getting dressed. Considering it was summer, she decided to wear a pair of shorts and a tank top with a thin hoodie over it. Hitomi had been nice enough to drop off the things she would need for the week last night so she had more than enough clothes to choose from.

Resu waited in the kitchen as everybody else began to stir. Tanaka yawned widely as he and Nishinoya sat down beside her. The libero was nearly bouncing in his seat, excited to be served breakfast from the cute managers.

One thing Resu noticed as she placed a forkful of eggs in her mouth was that Asahi was not sitting near her. He was sitting with Daichi and Sugawara, which she supposed was pretty normal. But he didn't even say good morning to her! Somehow, she thought with narrowed eyes as she angrily bit into her toast, this irritated her...although she wasn't really sure why.

The second year then remembered that, perhaps, he was embarrassed about yesterday. He had hugged her for several minutes and he wouldn't stop crying. Resu snickered to herself as she handed in her dishes. She sort of found his awkwardness endearing, in a way.

As the boys headed off to their practice matches Resu decided just to relax for a while in the room all the girls were sharing. She bumped into Yachi on the way out, causing her to drop the plates she was carrying. Resu acted quickly and caught them, sighing in relief considering that would have been an awful mess.

"Th-thank you!" Yachi stuttered out, bowing to her. Resu smiled uncomfortably at the respectful action as she brought the dishes over to the washing station.

"No worries. Do you guys need any help?"

She put her plans to relax by herself on the back burner as she assisted some of the managers with cleaning. It was the least she could do since they had made all the food for everyone. Maybe tomorrow she could help with cooking as well.

Wiping the sweat off her forehead, she bid the girls farewell before retreating from the kitchen. She passed the gym on her way back to her room, pausing for a moment to inspect the games going on. While, as always, the teams impressed her, something about Karasuno seemed strange. Resu noticed that Kageyama and Hinata weren't exactly working well with each other unlike usual. She frowned slightly, making a mental note to ask Shimizu if anything had happened later.

Resu entered the air-conditioned room with a sigh, pulling out a futon to collapse on to. She adjusted herself before pulling out her phone, deciding to catch up on a manga that she had fallen behind on.

After reading a few chapters, she rolled onto her back and gazed up at the ceiling. It hadn't really occurred to her, but since Karasuno was here and not at the nationals obviously meant that they had lost to Aoba Johsai. After doing a bit of searching, she found that Aoba Johsai had lost to Shiratorizawa shortly after, although Oikawa and the other third years had decided to stay behind for the next tournament.

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